post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 upgrade on Feb 16, 2013

Posted under General

Ola said:

Is it now possible to view deleted uploads again?

According to the upgrade information page, it is intentional that basic users can no longer view deleted posts.

I have no idea why though. What is the reasoning behind this change?

Still having problems with 10MB+ uploads.

Being the inept person that I am, I have looked at github and saw fixes#404 regarding this issue, but i still can't make sense of it.

What is the status on the problem?
Should I follow up with a new issue post?

Has anyone tried a 10MB+ upload to confirm?

Looks like Albert isn't going to change members being unable to view deleted post thumbnails.

z905844 said:

Still having problems with 10MB+ uploads.

Being the inept person that I am, I have looked at github and saw fixes#404 regarding this issue, but i still can't make sense of it.

What is the status on the problem?
Should I follow up with a new issue post?

Has anyone tried a 10MB+ upload to confirm?

If it is still occurring make a new issue.

Comments are back in user profiles, but clicking it just takes me to the main comment page, and comment search still just shows the comments alone, without an image thumbnail or any way to get to the commented-on image. I can't tell if this is progress or not.

Zaku_Zelo said:

Comments are back in user profiles, but clicking it just takes me to the main comment page, and comment search still just shows the comments alone, without an image thumbnail or any way to get to the commented-on image. I can't tell if this is progress or not.

The first two problems have been reported.
The "any way to get to the commented-on image" was already fixed - click "View post" under the comment.

Hi, I don't like that the posts show up on the page smaller than before.
And I don't like that the ads on the right side of the page are overlapping with the posts so I cannot see them well.
I also can't see the "Next page" Button because of those ads overlapping everything.
Can you fix this?

sunset said:
Hi, I don't like that the posts show up on the page smaller than before.

You mean full sized posts?
Resizing them is now the default. Go into your settings and change "Default image size" to "original" and uncheck "Always resize images". Images should always display at full size if you do that.

sunset said:
And I don't like that the ads on the right side of the page are overlapping with the posts so I cannot see them well.
I also can't see the "Next page" Button because of those ads overlapping everything.
Can you fix this?

What screen size are you using? Can you provide a screenshot?

Edit tag script is working weirdly. I can only add but not eliminate tag with it.

Editing forum post leads to a page with only my post. It'd be nice to make it stay in the thread just like submitting a reply.

First off, kudos to the ongoing repair work. The "<<prev" and "next>>" buttons definitely make pool navigation easier. The pool index itself, in default chronological update order, is now one-click accessible from the banner menu again. User feedback messages are once again color-coded and in proper chronological order. Comments are now part of user profiles again, though it still needs a bit more fixing. Images are now linked to individual comments, presumably to reduce server load by not having to generate a bunch of thumbnails for each page of comments. Not as convenient as seeing all the related images at one go, but still an improvement.

However, some images, such as post #1338798, still have trouble displaying properly at sample-image size. When I look at these posts (Firefox 16.0.2 on a Mac; haven't viewed them on PC yet), the sample image is broken, and all the translation notes are tiny and bunched together in the upper left. Viewing at original size mostly fixes things, though the notes are all offset by a bit. And of course, that just works around the problem rather than solves it. I'm sure the issue's being handled (or is at least in line to be handled), but another example can't hurt.

Edit: And I just discovered another example of the other facet of the problem; post #1032916 is among those that doesn't display properly in either mode. Sample size has a broken image with translation notes displayed normally (or perhaps a bit reduced). Full size shows the image, but the translation note boxes are enormous and offset very far down and right off screen.


post #1363538 appears to be in the "Perfect Ass" pool, but not really.
The next and prev links are not working.
The post is in pool:1214, but not in the listing on pool #1214 (page 258)

edit: nevermind. adding to the list directly with "edit" worked, didn't work the last time I tried. When I tried last time, I got the "already taken" message.
Although my update in the pool history looks weird:[pool_id]=1214


ShadowbladeEdge said:

So a few minutes ago, 15:41 Danbooru time, several hundread threads were bumped by no one, apperently. It fixed itself a few minutes later, so not really an issue right now, but there goes a heads up for you.

I saw that too. I guess it had to do with the update Albert just put out. Weird.

Sal.N said:

Edit tag script is working weirdly. I can only add but not eliminate tag with it.

Editing forum post leads to a page with only my post. It'd be nice to make it stay in the thread just like submitting a reply.

I can both add and remove tags with tag scripts just fine. What are you trying specifically?


S1eth said:

post #1363538 appears to be in the "Perfect Ass" pool, but not really.
The next and prev links are not working.
The post is in pool:1214, but not in the listing on pool #1214 (page 258)

I've been seeing this issue repeatedly, but haven't found a reliable way of reproducing it.
I just tried removing and readding that post to the pool in three ways:

  • Adding pool:1214 in the tags for the post
  • Adding 1363538 to list of posts in the pool
  • Using the "Add to pool" interface.

But none of these reproduced it. Has anyone else found what causes it specifically?


Toks said:

I can both add and remove tags with tag scripts just fine. What are you trying specifically?

I'm cleaning looking at another tag by replacing it with eye contact in appropriate cases, but can only add the latter and can't remove the former.

EDIT: apparently it's because the latter implicates the former, my bad.


picnic said:

EditEdit: I attempted to cause it by uploading an image with "rating:S" as a tag, but that failed. Is this perhaps a symptom of some kind of 3rd party upload script?

post #1364177 is another offender. I'm leaving this one unchanged so it can be observed by others.

Edit: I can't send dmail currently, so I can't directly contact the user, but 3 of user:Apollyon's recent posts experienced this.


Quick question, Danbooru used to automatically conform to my resolution, but now it's a box in the left side of my screen with a giant white space to the right:

I looked around a bit and saw no one asking this in particular, and since I've been less active as of late, I don't know if it's just me. Sorry for the trouble, but if someone can tell me if this is something I have to fix myself or if it's a setting I'm missing that would be great!

Thanks in advance.

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