post #9000000 GET!

Deletion appeal thread

Posted under General

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homeless_homo said:
Favorites don't mean shit here, unfortunately.

Everything gets favorited here. If pictures weren't deleted just because people favorited them, there would never be anything deleted.

T5J8F8 said:
You sayin' post #384177 iz shi't, boeh?!

Naaah, I ain't even looked at it. Just explaining the principle reason of not giving a fuck whether an image is favorited a lot on danbooru or not.

EDIT: I guess that picture's alright but I don't know... It's kinda off-topic I guess? I don't know, I probably wouldn't delete it/flag it but I don't feel strongly about it either.

Recently multiple pictures posted by myself were deleted because they weren't aproved. Now, seeing how those pics were of an enough decent quality, were properly tagged, sourced, favorited by multiple people (and come on, are you seriously going to argue that favorites mean crap in here? I've seen posts going down the negatives, so that SHOULD mean something, and the inverse should as well. If a post goes well beyond 10 favorites, then it should mean it is well like. Or are you people now going to tell me that images like post #387312 with over 50 favorites means nothing?). Now, the images I want to appeal for are the following:

post #385460
post #385387
post #382589
post #385447

Come on, those are pieces of art with way better quality than some of the stuff that gets admitted here, like for example: post #384632. Where is the symmetry? Where are the right proportions? Where is the basic respect for the human anatomy? In short, this image closer to resembling a malformed shaven ape with a cap has gotten precedence, while images like post #386443, and those listed above, will not be shown the same mercy despite of being of a much higher calibre.

I think the criteria by which the "higher-ups" determine whether an image stays or not should be made public, so we small-time contributors know what type of images are danbooru-worthy, and more to the point: what danbooru-worthy is. Because surely "good art" may not be the precise terminology for it.

My criteria for accepting an image is this. (based on your examples)

Accept: post #387312
Reason: High quality, good art. I assume that a majority of the favorites are due to the quality of the art.

Do not Accept: post #385460
Reason: Art is not high quality. I assume the only reason why people favorite this image is because her breasts are 4x the size of her head.

While I won't disagree that pic 1 is better over pic 2, that in no way totally disavow the second pic's credits. The styles first of all are naturally different, and although you may be right about post #385460 being favorited may be due to the massive buxom (but being fair, judging by the sheer mass of tags and images related to the mammary glands ranging from all shapes and sizes, tones and colors, it is safe to say that a breast fetish is prevalecent within the community) it does not diminish the pictures other less apparent attributes. For starters, the cuteness of face is one in a million, the smile coupled with the blush makes up for one of the cutest faces out there, an innocent face coupled with a body of a temptress, displaying a brown healthy tone, simply speaks of heaven and hell wrapped in a single package which I am sure each one of us can easily connect with. Then again, the major difference between the pictures you listed above is one of style. Thankfully both suffice to produce good pieces of art, and we can easily connect with both because in no way are we dealing with a Picasso, or some bizare messes that pass up for art sometimes around here and deserve more singling out than post #385460. But you decided to make an example of pictures listed by me, fair enough.

Melkior said:
Yargle bargle shit shit pttthhhhhhbt.

Let me tell you the golden rule of the Internet: The amount of bullshit you write is statistically proportional to the amount of people who want to set you on fire.

Melkior, STFU. You have something to appeal, then list the posts. Otherwise go listen to linkin park or do something else productive. I ain't gonna read through 50 pages of your drivel just to find a couple of shitty posts I wouldn't approve anyway.

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