post #9000000 GET!

Deletion appeal thread

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

I wanted to delete it before, but I couldn't figure out a way to do it without going to each image and clicking "Delete". Twice. But I might do that now actually...

EDIT: Done! But man, that could've been easier.


スラッシュ said: EDIT: Done! But man, that could've been easier.

Thanks for taking care of that, saved me the time.

Any licensed manga hosted here should be deleted. Hell, any commercial manga should not be uploaded at all, licensed or not.

LaC said:
It's off topic.

Ha, sorry. What I should have said was, that I believe the works I submitted of Miravi are of high quality, and deserve to be approved, especially considering that Miravi's work is already on display on the site, although only five of the works appear.


AndarielHalo said: especially considering that Miravi's work is already on display on the site, although only five of the works appear.

With *fifty* others that got deleted. Not a good success rate there. Find another artist.

jxh2154 said:
With *fifty* others that got deleted. Not a good success rate there. Find another artist.

Yah, you're right, I've accepted that as of twenty minutes ago or so.

Still... the other ones. Must they? MUST THEY?!?!?! Be deleted, I mean.

I would like to appeal post #368689 because I do not see how the post "most likely to get albert arrested".
All that posts does is show (as cloaknblade and peruperu pointed out) that President Bush does indeed have excellent reflexes when someone had the audacity to throw shoes at him. The gif depicts a real event and despite the seriousness of it all was rather funny as well since people don't usually throw shoes at people-let alone the President. I also like that the post had brought about some discussion.

One would think that post #349491 would more likely offend the President considering the defamatory nature of it.


Fencedude said:
Off topic. Please attempt to comprehend the point of this site.

I can accept the off topic reasoning is much better than "most likely get albert arrested" reason. I suppose I can depend it properly, but I am not sure how to go about it at the moment.

sakami-chan said: I suppose I can depend it properly, but I am not sure how to go about it at the moment.

I assume you mean "defend". And no, no you can't. It's completely off topic and has nothing to do with anime. It's a TOS violation and thus is deleted. This is not /b/

RaisingK said:
Too bad the Grandfather Clause still applies to the less recent stuff. *cough*

What? We don't have a grandfather clause, as far as I know. Old images are allowed to continue breaking the rules unless someone gets really pissed off and flags them and some moderator gets equally pissed off and approves the deletion.

0xCCBA696 said: What? We don't have a grandfather clause, as far as I know. Old images are allowed to continue breaking the rules unless someone gets really pissed off and flags them and some moderator gets equally pissed off and approves the deletion.

Well... that's sorta how it works, yeah. But there's always been resistance to purging certain tags wholesale. Not from me, mind you, but it's always been considered a no-no.

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