post #9000000 GET!

Deletion appeal thread

Posted under General

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I'm just curious as to why post #374170 didn't make the cut, I can accept a decision on it either way. The subject matter seems to be relevant to danbooru's interests (azuma & kannagi) and it doesn't break any rules that I'm aware of.

thunderphd said:

I'm just curious as to why post #374170 didn't make the cut, I can accept a decision on it either way. The subject matter seems to be relevant to danbooru's interests (azuma & kannagi) and it doesn't break any rules that I'm aware of.

Weird...I don't remember seeing that one...but it seems to already be undeleted anyway so there ya go.

I was wondering if the posts in pool #440 (the miku fantasy series) that hadn't been gotten to in the three day period could be reconsidered

since they were removed from the pool, the specific post numbers are: post #369827, post #370557, post #370559, post #370563, post #369460, post #369462, post #368471, post #368470, and post #368469

if you were to look at the images in the source links, I believe that you would find them to tie in to pool #440

thought to be honest, I believe that there are too many posts that aren't getting approved because either the grace period is too short (in my opinion, I think it should be changed to 5 days), or we simply don't have enough mod's, or a combination of both. Either way, the rest of this pool was approved, so these posts just hadn't been gotten to in time.


Or maybe not all the janitors/mods like those pics.
3 Days are more than enough time to approve something. You can always appeal anyway.
Personally I don't hate that pool, but I don't love it either.

Miku Fantasy illustrates the issue with approval/denial based on "well the rest of the series is there" logic. Generally, it's a fair enough argument, but I saw a number of those Miku Fantasy strips in the queue and after thinking, passed. Some of them are just weakly drawn and make no sense (to me), while I rather like others.

I don't have a problem with them being undeleted though.
And three days is enough.

reese said:
I'd like to appeal post #364889 and...

Looks like someone already took care of them, but I'm curious why the forums didn't pick up your post #364889 and convert it to a link. Odd.

Edit: nor in my post.

Ah okay, I thought maybe there was a strange character after the number, but not before it. I often fire up the Japanese IME and insert a 'space' as a workaround to indent things in forums/text fields that strip indents and extra spaces (since they don't recognize it as a space and don't strip it), so I wondered if something similar happened here.

jxh2154 said:
I often fire up the Japanese IME and insert a 'space' as a workaround to indent things

This is getting a bit off topic, but... IMO often a better workaround is to use 0x00A0 (NO-BREAK SPACE), because it's generally the same width as 0x0020 (SPACE), whereas the "fullwidoth space" 0x3000 (IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE) is generally about the size of a kanji, in order to fit in with CJK text.

" " (0x0020)
" " (0x00A0)
" " (0x3000)

0xCCBA696 said: This is getting a bit off topic, but... IMO often a better workaround is to use 0x00A0 (NO-BREAK SPACE), because it's generally the same width as 0x0020 (SPACE), whereas the "fullwidoth space" 0x3000 (IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE) is generally about the size of a kanji, in order to fit in with CJK text.

It's just quicker for me to switch IME and use the "fullwidth space", personally. Also, I don't know how to type the other ones, though I'm sure I could google it and check if I were so inclined.

Any chance of post #375698 being approved? I don't see anything inherently bad in it. The artist's other work is generally pretty good(post #345283)

Also, any chance of the following picture done by Akira Toriyama for the One Piece 10th anniversary collection to be approved: post #361082?

It'd be great if coloured versions from the same collection by other mangaka which were left unapproved could also be looked at once more:

post #361890 - by the author of Gintama
post #361885 - by the author of Rurouni Kenshin & Busou Renkin
post #361873 - by the artist of Eyeshield 21
post #361872 - by the artist of Ketekyo Hitman Reborn

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