post #9000000 GET!

Deletion appeal thread

Posted under General

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CountPacula said:
Politely asking if there were any specific reasons that post #393272 didn't make the cut. I can't see anything "wrong" with it per se, and there aren't a lot of other images showing the same kind of intimately-aroused expression.

Low quality, even worse than your average HCG image, and NO VAGINA PENIS AND CUM I DON WANT ACCEPT!

0xCCBA696 said:
Because we don't put up with any of that 'romantic' crap around here. Now why don't you just mosey on out of here before somebody gets hurt.

Oh look, it's trying to intimidate me away! How -cute-!

homeless_homo said:

Fair enough - at least you're honest about being jaded. :)

CountPacula said: Politely asking if there were any specific reasons that post #393272 didn't make the cut. I can't see anything "wrong" with it per se, and there aren't a lot of other images showing the same kind of intimately-aroused expression.

Game CGs usually tend not to get accepted. I know there are a lot on danbooru from earlier, but most of the admins/mods/janitors don't really go for them unless there's some especially good reason, like if they stand as a good piece of art in their own right.

homeless_homo said:
Low quality, even worse than your average HCG image, and NO VAGINA PENIS AND CUM I DON WANT ACCEPT!

Oh c'mon, you're not even trying. No average danbooru porn looker would ever say "penis" and "vagina".

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