post #9000000 GET!

Deletion appeal thread

Posted under General

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jxh2154 said:
"Grotesque: Any depiction of extreme mutilation, extreme bodily distension, feces, or bodies that are far outside the realm of normal human proportion (for example, breasts that are as large as the body)."

Thanks for giving me a reason to flag all that shit.

FeKa said:
You're kidding me, right?

Well, if it was just the girl, without the...extra stuff, the art would be well within what is considered acceptable here. Its not amazing, but its far from horrible.

In a purely objective, technical sense.

jxh2154 said:
I say it falls firmly under a TOS violation:

Fair enough, can't argue with that.

Mainly it's just the double standard that annoys me. People find over-sized cocks too obscene (personally I find it more amusing than anything), yet things like children getting gangbanged while drenched in semen are not only acceptable, they're quite popular here. It makes it difficult to tell what's too extreme for danbooru and what isn't.

evazion said: Mainly it's just the double standard that annoys me. People find over-sized cocks too obscene (personally I find it more amusing than anything), yet things like children getting gangbanged while drenched in semen are not only acceptable, they're quite popular here.

Oh trust me, I'd never, ever approve that stuff either. And I lament its popularity.

RaisingK said:
Too bad the Grandfather Clause still applies to the less recent stuff. *cough*

Well, you can't have everything. At least now I've a legit reason to delete all the new uploads of this type.

evazion said:

Mainly it's just the double standard that annoys me. People find over-sized cocks too obscene (personally I find it more amusing than anything), yet things like children getting gangbanged while drenched in semen are not only acceptable, they're quite popular here. It makes it difficult to tell what's too extreme for danbooru and what isn't.

And you're a contributor - just think about how difficult it can be for a newbie.

Ravonies said: well i don't know how to apeal my self or get a mods attenton about them....

Well, you post in this thread like you did, of course.

It gets read. We won't comment on every one. Ether it'll get undeleted or not.

thegomm said: I want these to be reconsidered.

I was going to undelete the Remilia but someone already did. I don't know why you're appealing the small manga panels, to be honest. And the last one... not really sure what to say about that.

I'll undelete the SHnY/SZS parody pics though. I think I saw them in the queue and was on the fence, but they're probably good enough. I think they really straddle the line of "bad art" and "well duh, it's just a parody of the style".

Actually I was wondering if we should have the manga Maka Maka on Danbooru at all. It's a licensed manga and being distributed by Media Blasters. The group who scanlated it, lililicious, removed it from distribution probably because of it being licensed.

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