
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Anelaid said:
A character showing a lot of charisma, as a counter to the charisma break pool, might work, but honestly charisma-break has a firm creation, I believe coming from a Shino comic, along with some well known characteristics, such as Remilia cowering or a normally charismatic character crying/losing composure. Its just easier to do charisma breaks. [emphasis added]

No. This is the reason why the Charisma Break pool is such an unfocused pile of shit, and we've had a thread dedicated to bitching about it. Problem is, inertia and general apathy led to nothing being done about it.


Myssa_Rei said:
I'm wondering why post #698723 got deleted. There didn't seem to be anything really wrong with the picture itself, nor the style used.

It's not hate-worthy, just mediocre. Nitpicks for me are the text, faces, invisible chairs, the odd way he has one leg lifted up without actually crossing it over the other, and the smoke as a single white blob.

It's just borderline bad (Satou's right leg being the only thing to really strike me). But really this thread is starting to sound like we want half of the contributors to reapply, so to speak. The ever increasing approval threshold is turning this discrepancy into a joke lately, may it look like hypocrisis or apathy.

So, speaking of this:
post #744594
post #742241
post #719380

All of them have been appealed by their uploader already (who apparently indiscriminately appeals all of his deletions, which could be the cause, but at least I think he has a point with these ones).
No kidding they're average, and they'd look too dull to make me upload them, yet they still look fine for approval to me.

post #744594 > I'm a stranger to Umineko but that's nice, and I can see the china dress as a plus, originality speaking.

post #742241 > Again, dull to non Umineko enthusiasts seems like the only real flaw, and we have dull posts approved every day.

post #719380 > Possible B★RS overflow? But this one looks nice too, even with the weird proportions.

I can understand these to draw little attention in the mod queue, but I'd also suspect some lack of interest in the deletion appeal thread (with stuff like forum #47846 taking I don't know how many days to get fixed, and so on).

Undeleted post #742241. As for the others, the china dress one is just...I dunno, the proportions are strange. Eva Beatrice's legs especially don't seem right.

The BRS one I distinctly remember passing over when it was first posted. Very wonky proportions on BRS, and Dead Master's face is all sorts of funky.

Anelaid said:
If a pool is getting removed multiple times, in all honesty, its for a reason.

A character showing a lot of charisma, as a counter to the charisma break pool, might work, but honestly charisma-break has a firm creation, I believe coming from a Shino comic, along with some well known characteristics, such as Remilia cowering or a normally charismatic character crying/losing composure. Its just easier to do charisma breaks.

I don't see how to easily define charisma but considering that Lord Enki pools basically became favorite pools, I would imagine it shouldn't be started now let it happen yet again.

Glad someone granted some kind of response. I was getting enraged that my attempts to be kind were being ignored.

Having said that, again, I can see how Grace, Elegance, and "Charisma" could be seen as a favorites pool (Kinda.), but say if I remake it to be merely a "Grace and elegance" pool, and put a warning to not add touhou pictures until a few pages in.

Then no one can call it a touhou favorites pool, yes~?!

I will trust this will be so if no one responds in 24 hours.

There's already a Classy pool which seems more or less the same thing as what you suggest. You could just expand upon that.

And if you want to discuss this further please either take it back to the pointless pools thread or start a new thread and stop derailing this one.

evazion said:
There's already a Classy pool which seems more or less the same thing as what you suggest. You could just expand upon that.

And if you want to discuss this further please either take it back to the pointless pools thread or start a new thread and stop derailing this one.

This sounds pretty close, indeed. Very well, I guess this will work.

but something seems off though...

If I had to be critical of post #755558, I'd say it's probably the coloring. It looks like the artist wanted a watercolor effect but did it poorly in photoshop. Or if it actually IS watercolor it didn't scan well.

The pixel work in post #755514 is pretty good, however the picture as a whole isn't. Her face looks weird, like it wasn't centered properly.

Suiseiseki said:
If I had to be critical of post #755558, I'd say it's probably the coloring. It looks like the artist wanted a watercolor effect but did it poorly in photoshop. Or if it actually IS watercolor it didn't scan well.

For one I like that lively coloring.
I can't read the pixiv description but it seems to be /trad lineart and coloring (acrylic) reworked on photoshop.

It's killed by the artifacts for me. Not only it's blurry from the scan but it's also jpeg_artifacted as well. And since the rest of the image doesn't make up for them (rarity of the material or subject), well.

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