post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Pools

Posted under General

Bapabooiee said:
The owner/dictator of the pool has been doing a good job of maintaining it, and has (imo) some pretty good taste too. So, I don't think there's much of a reason to make it public -- I'd rather entrust the pool exclusively to him/her than have it get blunted like pool #903 did.

And I think the same. But since the Hot Legs pool has been sacrificed we shouldn't be making exceptions anymore.


You bring up some tags that at least could replace it, though some combinations of those tags wouldn't work such as using the "food" tag. I honestly don't expect people to systematically tag every occurrence of food so any dependence on that tag would be weak at best.

Bad food would certainly work well with censored to replace the pool, but calling things "bad food" seems not very uniform and sometimes subjective. You have depictions of censored food, you have depictions of things that don't even seem to be food (post #524203), you have depictions of people simply burning the food (post #618172), you have depictions of normal food with a skull symbol (post #674506), normal food with someone sick (post #534398), etc. It really just seems all over the place. Even if it was cleaned up to narrow down some things, it still might be better off as a pool itself.

NWF_Renim said:
You bring up some tags that at least could replace it, though some combinations of those tags wouldn't work such as using the "food" tag. I honestly don't expect people to systematically tag every occurrence of food so any dependence on that tag would be weak at best.

Bad food would certainly work well with censored to replace the pool, but calling things "bad food" seems not very uniform and sometimes subjective. You have depictions of censored food, you have depictions of things that don't even seem to be food (post #524203), you have depictions of people simply burning the food (post #618172), you have depictions of normal food with a skull symbol (post #674506), normal food with someone sick (post #534398), etc. It really just seems all over the place. Even if it was cleaned up to narrow down some things, it still might be better off as a pool itself.

I just don't think it's pool material when it specifically describes "food blocked with a censor" as the pool criteria. That is definitely something a tag should cover. You can't change it to just any bad food either, because we already have the Food of doom pool.

Bapabooiee said: The owner/dictator of the pool has been doing a good job of maintaining it, and has (imo) some pretty good taste too. So, I don't think there's much of a reason to make it public -- I'd rather entrust the pool exclusively to him/her than have it get blunted like pool #903 did.

So what happens when this poster drops off the site? I just don't really see how we can justify making pools like this privately controlled by a single person.

Arrei said:
pool #2123: definitely something more fit for a tag than a pool.

Eh... it looks like they're all tagged fake_censor but only 2 or 3 are tagged food. I guess it's questionable whether they should be tagged food when you can't see what it is... maybe?

Anyway I kinda agree it's pointless but I'll leave it for now since nothing really captures it yet. A merger of the Censored Food and Bad Food pools seems in order. The latter seems more inclusive but not so huge that it can't cover this pool fine with a fake_censor tag added to the search.

pool #2113 "Grace, Elegance, and Charisma"

Touhou favorites pool, exactly the same deal as the one mentioned in forum #46269.

pool #2216 "cameltoe party"

Favorites pool.

pool #2214 "A place for pictures where one or more of the girls in it seem oblivious to what's happening to them or do not blush at all."

Dunno if this concept is worth it, but atm the only post the pool's creator has added doesn't even fit the description.

I personally think pool creation should be limited to Privileged and above. That way we won't have misguided members who create pools for self use and such. Of course they should still be free to modify them and such.

Fred1515 said: pool #2214 "A place for pictures where one or more of the girls in it seem oblivious to what's happening to them or do not blush at all."

It could probably be used. It's useless as it stands now but I'll leave it for now.

Tetrominon said: pool #1931 - "Keiosyunion!"
Hirasawa Susumu plus K-ON!.

Not quite recreatable with a two tag search because Hirasawa Susumu isn't actually in most of those images.

Got the rest, I think.

Oy oy oy. WHY does the "Grace, Elegance, and Charisma" pool keep getting deleted, now? It is NOT just a "Touhou favorites" pool, it contained various original arts as well as characters from Umineko (Bellatres) and even Pokemon (Gardievor is obviously quite elegant)

If someone can, can someone UNDO the deletion? The first time I could deal with an deletion, because it only had about 2 pages before some one (I'm TRYING to be nice right now...) deleted it. But this time there were about SEVEN pages of beautiful pictures.

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