xsaka_mighty is a creative romanization of 駆阪真一, which is properly kusaka_maichi (駆阪真一(くさかまいち、Xsaka Mighty))
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xsaka_mighty is a creative romanization of 駆阪真一, which is properly kusaka_maichi (駆阪真一(くさかまいち、Xsaka Mighty))
rantuyetmai said: cream_(artist) -> cream_(nipakupa)
ham_(artist) -> ham_(points)
blade_(artist) -> blade_(lovewn)[/quote]
Mmm, potentially ambiguous but done due to significant number of posts, especially blade.
rantuyetmai said: kimino -> kimino_tomonari
Definitely too ambiguous without even an _(artist) qualifier. Moved and wiki note left.
Evangeline_A.K._McDowell said: ichiba_koushi -> ichiba_ko'ushi
jjj14 said: xsaka_mighty is a creative romanization of 駆阪真一, which is properly kusaka_maichi
S1eth said: gusutafu -> gustav_(telomere_na)
rantuyetmai said: De-alias inukkoro to edoya_pochi.
Yeah, especially with only 14 posts. Done.
sakuraboshi sora -> nagayama yuunon
Reason: The latter is the name now seen in the Pixiv account and the artist's website (http://star-cradle.itigo.jp/about.html).
The correct artist's name is てくてく.
oono_tutomu -> oono_tsutomu (大野ツトム)
nanami said: sakuraboshi sora -> nagayama yuunon
TheBigN said: Could we switch works from ariga_ao --> ariga_nao
rantuyetmai said: oono_tutomu -> oono_tsutomu
funkafied said: tecenonchi -> tekuteku
Went with tekuteku_(yuuhodou) for circle name.
wanchan said: I think a rename is more in order than an alias due to length, but the artist we currently have as hano is actually hanokage (ハノカゲ) according to their site and pixiv profiles.
Went with a move to hanokage_(hacha) to eliminate ambiguity.
rantuyetmai said: tsukiyuuhi -> tsuki_yuuhi
Did it as a move to tsuki_yuuhi.
yumisuke_kotoyoshi -> kotoyoshi_yumisuke.
Reason: Japanese Wikipedia said his name is 琴義 弓介 (ことよし ゆみすけ)
Aliasing kuwajima_reon -> kuwashima_rein.
Reason: Artist's blog profile, Twitter and Stickam URL's, and post #832089.
Mass edit shoutarou -> tokunou_shoutarou.
Reason: name:得能正太郎(とくのうしょうたろう)(本名)
Aliasing/ Mass edit hontani_kanae -> moribe_(rabumanyo).
Reason: Moribe said "ほんたにかなえ名義でお仕事をやらせてもらっています。" in her home page.
EB said: Aliasing kuwajima_reon -> kuwashima_rein.
Mass edit shoutarou -> tokunou_shoutarou.
henmere said: Aliasing hontani_kanae -> moribe_(rabumanyo).
It seems ll is his alternate pixiv account for explicit images. This image from alphonse's site is used as ll's pixiv profile pic, and their style is virtually identical (e.g. post #465601 and post #677476). Can't be a coincidence.
It seems ll is his alternate pixiv account for explicit images. This image from alphonse's site is used as ll's pixiv profile pic, and their style is virtually identical (e.g. post #465601 and post #677476). Can't be a coincidence.
Should probably go to alphonse_(ll) or alphonse_(white_datura).