
[Arknights] Costume implications

Posted under Tags

nonamethanks said:

Isn't the convention that the skin names match the official name? Looking at post #7673156, that's what the skin is called.

Yes, we skip the numbers for whatever reason. See also this BUR from a few months ago: forum #260203

Personally, I don't have strong feelings about it either way, but if we want the numbers back we'll have to alias all the other summer skins too, which will take me a minute because I don't know them off the top of my head.

BUR #28720 has been rejected.


create implication arene_(dangerous_invitation)_(arknights) -> arene_(arknights)
create implication qiubai_(courtesy)_(arknights) -> qiubai_(arknights)
create implication cement_(new_business)_(arknights) -> cement_(arknights)
create implication corroserum_(leisure)_(arknights) -> corroserum_(arknights)
create implication amiya_(swimsuit)_(arknights) -> amiya_(arknights)
create implication amiya_(act_2)_(arknights) -> amiya_(arknights)
create implication totter_(shimmering_dew)_(arknights) -> totter_(arknights)
create implication melanite_(for_the_banquet)_(arknights) -> melanite_(arknights)
create implication earthspirit_(major_field)_(arknights) -> earthspirit_(arknights)
create implication proviso_(holiday)_(arknights) -> proviso_(arknights)
create implication lava_(a_ray_of_sunshine)_(arknights) -> lava_(arknights)
create implication catapult_(holiday)_(arknights) -> catapult_(arknights)
create implication savage_(three_hundred_meters_underground)_(arknights) -> savage_(arknights)
create implication purestream_(yearly_present)_(arknights) -> purestream_(arknights)
create implication flamebringer_(one_blade)_(arknights) -> flamebringer_(arknights)
create implication ela_(safehouse)_(rainbow_six_siege) -> ela_(rainbow_six_siege)
create implication doc_(exhibition)_(rainbow_six_siege) -> doc_(rainbow_six_siege)
rename iana_(rainbow_six) -> iana_(rainbow_six_siege)
rename iana_(mirrormaze)_(rainbow_six) -> iana_(mirrormaze)_(rainbow_six_siege)
create implication iana_(mirrormaze)_(rainbow_six_siege) -> iana_(rainbow_six_siege)
deprecate whisperain_(after_summer_rain)_(arknights)
deprecate dusk_(bloom_moon)_(arknights)
deprecate female_tourist_a_(arknights)
create implication caper_(summer_flowers)_(arknights) -> caper_(arknights)
create implication nightingale_(iakhu_of_flows)_(arknights) -> nightingale_(arknights)
create implication eyjafjalla_the_hvit_aska_(a_picnic_before_a_long_trip)_(arknights) -> eyjafjalla_the_hvit_aska_(arknights)
create implication poncirus_(to_rest_in_night_breezes)_(arknights) -> poncirus_(arknights)
create implication weedy_(sedjem)_(arknights) -> weedy_(arknights)
create implication irene_(the_adjudicatrix_and_her_resolve)_(arknights) -> irene_(arknights)
create implication ptilopsis_(amongst_the_clouds)_(arknights) -> ptilopsis_(arknights)

I have combed through every Arknights characters and their skins to find which required implications. Even though she isn't technically an AK character, I've included the renaming of Iana and her skin out of consistency with the other R6S operators.

Lastly, I found two fanmade outfits for Dusk and Whisperain that were given a tag and were then implied along with the official skins. I don't see any reason for these two tags to exist, unless they had a lot of posts.

EDIT: Oops, the last implication is missing the "_siege" from the outfit tag.

EDIT 2: Following Dannk's comment, I reread the side story where "Female Tourist A" appears and they're right. I was mistakenly under the impression that it was Amiya's nickname. So I created the amiya_(swimsuit) tag accordingly and changed the BUR.
Although I think that female_tourist_a should not exist in the first place because it's used for a random generic NPC


nonamethanks said:

Well, as long as they don't start releasing skins with the same name where they only change the number... Though it's awfully confusing that we're randomly removing numbers like this.

There are indeed several summer outfits with the same name (for example nearl_(shimmering_dew)_(arknights), platinum_(shimmering_dew)_(arknights) and carnelian_(shimmering_dew)_(arknights)), but I'd argue that adding a seemingly random series of characters would not help someone recognize which one belonged to which character. I don't think one would know that "Shimmering Dew SD01" is Nearl's and "Shimmering Dew SD05" is Platinum's.

Do note that only the outfits designed by the in-universe brand Coral Coast, which specializes in swimsuits, have this issue.
For further information, all of those outfits are listed here on the Wiki

If you're still not convinced, I can list all ~50 of them in a future BUR for a mass update.


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