Zumzigzoo said:
BUR #39143 is pending approval.
create implication kal'tsit_(nurse)_(arknights) -> kal'tsit_(arknights)
create implication kal'tsit_(partygoer)_(arknights) -> kal'tsit_(arknights)
create implication kal'tsit_(advisor)_(arknights) -> kal'tsit_(arknights)
create implication kal'tsit_(ambience_synesthesia)_(arknights) -> kal'tsit_(arknights)
create implication kal'tsit_(boss)_(arknights) -> kal'tsit_(arknights)Created and gardened tags for Kal'tsit's other recognizable official outfits, which previously did not have tags. Follows other Ambience Synesthesia tags and other tags for non-playable official outfits/forms on other characters, such as Amiya.
I'd just want to clarify that the Kal'tsit design from post #7864533 is NOT the same design used as her boss form from IS5 (which is also used in a flashback during the Main story). Rather it's from the non-canonical IS5 web game, wherein she's referred to as King of Purrkatz.