minnazzo said:
It does work but it's so tedious and it can't find unposted posts, since you said, they're untagged, but when uploaded from a proper source, they're automatically appended an artist tag, and I want to find them using that. Is it impossible? I still feel like the search bar in My Uploads is just for show and serve no functionality.
The reason that uploads automatically get appended the artist tag is because when the upload page loads, it does an API request to the original source to get the artist of that artwork (as well as the tags and commentary). However, this data is not stored anywhere, and thus cannot be queried.
The one exception to this is if the artist username is embedded in the source path, for example Twitter. However this could potentially lead to false positives, since on Twitter a username is not static, that is it could be dropped by one artist only to be picked up by another.
Long story short, it is mostly impossible to search by artists on the uploads page with the current setup of Danbooru.