post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru changelog discussion thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

winterless said:

I'm not sure if anyone is having issues uploading from Twitter, but today I've been getting a "this post does not have any images" error when I try to upload through URL. I've had to download the image to my computer myself and then manually add the source for my upload—I don't know if it's just this post in particular that's bugged or if it's other images, though.

This happens when Twitter ratelimits Danboru, and it goes away after a few minutes, but will likely reappear later again. The Danbooru extension can still be used to upload from twitter, but the commentary isn't copied, so this should be done manually or later (when Danbooru isn't ratelimited anymore)

I'd really appreciate a way for the site to save the tagging and other progress while uploading, like how other sites save drafts. It'd be especially helpful when discord images need a separate media link and a message link. It would help against data loss from accidentally mass closing tabs, mobile browser closing, crashing, or refreshing itself; All that added info would be erased and there's no guarantee of finding it again, particularly when you normally insert media assets on mass first, and upload later.

Moreover, while you're opening tabs for tag wiki pages to ensure correct tag use, let's say that the uploading page itself refreshes midway, an inherent inconvenience of mobile browsers. If someone just had all 50 of their added tags to a single image deleted that will definitely increase the frequency of users just getting annoyed and uploading after applying half of the tags they'd just used, or of course can't remember the tags just applied.

These draft posts could be placed in a new section under "my uploads" called "in progress" or "incomplete". Or less straightforward adding a new image status for these drafts of uploads that can only be seen by the asset uploader.

My second request is for a way to add child posts of already uploaded images before uploading, such as when you find a much higher resolution of an already posted image to save the need of going back and forth.

nkuylo said:

What do you mean "My uploads"? You can use metatag user:minnazzo in search bar and add any other tags you want after.

I think perhaps he is talking about unposted uploads?

Anyways, I just checked, and it works just fine for me. Note that it searches the AI tags for the media asset since uploads don't necessarily have an associated post. This means that copyright/character tags can be hit or miss, and artist tags will likely never be found. General tags probably work the best, but even they have issues since they weren't tagged by an actual human being. The most accurate are probably the metatags, such as width: , height: , etc, since those use the actual image characteristics of the media asset when searching.


If you want to search posted uploads by actual tags, then you can use the following URL parameter to get this done.


For example[upload_media_assets][post][tags]=precure

finds all of my uploads that have been tagged precure.


Oh, now I get it. Thank you. I've never used that tab before. I guess it's useful for managing unposted images.

But now I have the same question. If you have to manually edit URL just to do a quick tag search, then what is "Tags" field for?

nkuylo said:

Oh, now I get it. Thank you. I've never used that tab before. I guess it's useful for managing unposted images.

But now I have the same question. If you have to manually edit URL just to do a quick tag search, then what is "Tags" field for?

AI tags, like I said. You can see a media asset's AI tags by opening the media asset, by clicking "»" next to the file size on a post, or by clicking the size/dimensions next to the source icon right below the image on an upload.

I've been facing an issue with the site for about a week on Firefox where many of the interactive elements are broken, such as shortcut key "F" to favourite, translation bubbles don't appear, and the tool-tip when hovering over a post isn't correctly styled. Chrome works fine, so it's definitely just an issue with firefox.... I'm wondering if there are any other firefox users that might have any troubleshooting tips to restore functionality? I've already tried basic things such as disabling all add-ons but no dice

MysteriousLounger said:

I've been facing an issue with the site for about a week on Firefox where many of the interactive elements are broken, such as shortcut key "F" to favourite, translation bubbles don't appear, and the tool-tip when hovering over a post isn't correctly styled. Chrome works fine, so it's definitely just an issue with firefox.... I'm wondering if there are any other firefox users that might have any troubleshooting tips to restore functionality? I've already tried basic things such as disabling all add-ons but no dice

Did you recently update the browser? Or are you perhaps using a very old version?
My current Firefox is version 84.0 from December 2020, which some might say is very old/outdated

MysteriousLounger said:

I've been facing an issue with the site for about a week on Firefox where many of the interactive elements are broken, such as shortcut key "F" to favourite, translation bubbles don't appear, and the tool-tip when hovering over a post isn't correctly styled. Chrome works fine, so it's definitely just an issue with firefox.... I'm wondering if there are any other firefox users that might have any troubleshooting tips to restore functionality? I've already tried basic things such as disabling all add-ons but no dice

Latest stable Firefox here, works fine.

As a fellow Firefox user, I haven't encountered any issues lately (or at least, none that can't be explained away by other things). Even so, I don't know enough about things to really help.

Anyway, I came here to report a bug a friend of mine found where, in the deleted posts sections, pressing the button to switch back to just active posts would only add one more status:deleted to the search bar.

Iroshi said:

Did you recently update the browser? Or are you perhaps using a very old version?
My current Firefox is version 84.0 from December 2020, which some might say is very old/outdated

I'm on 129.0; I updated manually from 128.0 in hopes of fixing the issue, but no dice. Good to know no one else is seeing similar issues.I'm going to try some more drastic steps like maybe reinstalling the browser fresh, to see if that sorts anything out.

Edit: Huh. clearing the cache was enough to fix. Well, glad I didn't have to do anything more than that. I wonder how something in the cache caused javascript to break, but no matter.

MysteriousLounger said:

Edit: Huh. clearing the cache was enough to fix. Well, glad I didn't have to do anything more than that. I wonder how something in the cache caused javascript to break, but no matter.

Because the javascript file itself was likely cached.

Please allow CSS color gradients (at the very least linear-gradient()) to be applied in embedded notes.

I put these notes yesterday in post #7985441 and the fact that they couldn't have the same gradient colors as the speech bubble is still killing me.

Fhtagn said:

Please allow CSS color gradients (at the very least linear-gradient()) to be applied in embedded notes.

I put these notes yesterday in post #7985441 and the fact that they couldn't have the same gradient colors as the speech bubble is still killing me.

Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but there is a way around it by ignoring the entire original notebox note-box-attributes and just create an entire new div on top of it.

Here an example: post #4971707

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