post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru changelog discussion thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

Individual said:

Is there a way to filter artists by links? Like, I wanted to find artists without a certain URL, such as their Twitter IDs.

No. Artist URLs are a one-to-many relationship, which means that if there is only relation which doesn't match your negative filter, then it would still return that item, even if there is another URL that does. I discussed this exact issue on Discord a while back.


Artist #B1




It'll still return that artist, since their first URL does not match that search.


Instead, what's needed is a negative search using something like a negsearch parameter. It would basically generate one unified query, much like the search parameter does, then it would wrap that entire statement in a not block.

Then, doing a search like the following would work.[urls][url_like]=

I already do something much the same on a Danbooru-like project I'm working on, so I already know that this would work as a solution.

Sonja_Nachtbringer said:

Both of those are showing "Access Denied
You do not have permission to visit this page.", what's going on?

Those are level-restricted topics. The answer to the original question is yes, they are banned for most users.

BrokenEagle98 said:

Those are level-restricted topics. The answer to the original question is yes, they are banned for most users.

What a shame! Is there any way to demote my account back to Member status again? I don't mind not getting refunded for the upgrade but it's pretty pointless now that privileged accounts below Builder or Moderator are the same as ordinary members, until posts of banned artists are unlocked again I will upgrade my account to Gold or Platinum again.

sammyG said:

What a shame! Is there any way to demote my account back to Member status again? I don't mind not getting refunded for the upgrade but it's pretty pointless now that privileged accounts below Builder or Moderator are the same as ordinary members, until posts of banned artists are unlocked again I will upgrade my account to Gold or Platinum again.

They aren't, though. You can still see loli/shota and enjoy the other benefits such as search timeouts. tag limits, etc.

DeusExCalamus said:

They aren't, though. You can still see loli/shota and enjoy the other benefits such as search timeouts. tag limits, etc.

But my main point of upgrading this account to Gold is to see posts of banned artists, first the mods and admins locked away the rights to view paid rewards which I can understand caused a slight spike in artist bans but I won't want to keep the upgrade if ALL banned artists posts will permenantly be locked.

Also, I upgraded my other account to Gold for NSFW, loli and shota post browsing, and I sparingly use the other benefits of the Gold upgrade of both accounts either.

After reading that the sizelimit has been raised to 100 MB (thank you so incredibly much for that evazion ๐Ÿ™) I wanted to give it a try by uploading the fullsize version of post #5749756 (nsfw) which is 84.9 MB.
However, after trying it out a couple of times, it seems to be choking out right when the upload finishes.

It first throws an Clouidfare error:

Web server is returning an unknown error
Error code 520
Visit for more information.
2022-10-31 14:11:20 UTC

And when I retry it after refreshing the page, it throws:

413 Request Entity Too Large

So there seems to be an old limit that is still being enforced somewhere down the line.

HNTI said:

Why there's time limit for video if we already have limit on file size (140 sec) ? Is there a chance to double it as with file size ?

P.S. Thanks for increasing file size limit btw

I think the main reason is because we're not a video site.

Are there plans for enabling uploads of AVIF files? That's the format that's now being used in skeb, so I can't upload anything from there unless I convert it to JPG, which would not be the ideal thing to do.

Edit: just checked and it's now enabled, so sorry for the inconvenience.

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