post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru changelog discussion thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

My upload page has been bugging. On mobile when I get on the upload page of a post, the image is often heavily stretched, and even if it isn't, it will stretch once I click on it (which normally should zoom on it instead). Desktop works mostly fin but I have encountered a few posts that also has this problem. I've tried logging off and relogging in but it doesn't change anything. I wonder if this has something to do with the new reverse image search feature added on the upload page.
On the other hand, I'm using safari and it seems to have a lot more weird bugs compare to other browsers from what other said. That issue about how clicking on autocomplete directly searches the tag instead of putting it in the query still hasn't been resolved yet, luckily I've adapted myself to press "enter" instead. But if this one stays it's going to a pain cuz it makes uploading much more annoying (especially mobile, it's impossible to tag stuff when you can't even observe the image properly, unless you upload it and tag afterwards, which is not more convenient and could get yourself a tagme from someone else).


punished_K said:

I haven't been able to approve my last 4 artist alias BURs.
Did my account get restricted?

All burs have artist with over 200 posts in them. You can only approve them below 200 posts.

HeyThereGuy said:

I can’t upload images on IOS. Whenever I try I get this error.

This happens weather I use the bookmarklet or upload a file.

Someone else has reported this on Github. I’m using Safari but they’re using Chrome so this probably happens on all browsers.

I have the exact same problem, safari too but I'm on desktop. For the record, safari seems to have a lot of weird issues these days, it all started with the last autocomplete update.

The upload bug with iOS should be fixed. It was caused by a bug in iOS 13. You should update to the latest version of iOS supported by your device. Most phones after the iPhone 6S support at least iOS 15.

The other issue with clicking tags in autocomplete should also be fixed.

Browsers more than five years old aren't supported. I had to make some changes to support old versions of Safari on iOS 13 and this dropped support for browsers even older than that.

Judging by that error message, you need at least Firefox 55.

I appreciate your help!
Well dang... Looks like I will at long last have to upgrade from Vista (Firefox stopped support for it). For the next couple of days I wont be able to moderate or tag. Perhaps I can use pixiv once again after my update.
Gotta use my phone to keep up.


It was blocked because it was causing thousands of search timeouts. Please monitor your bot and backoff if your requests are slow or failing.

order:random in particular is known to be extremely slow. Use random:1 or implement your own randomization method (pick random IDs or MD5s, or keep a list of posts and pick ones at random).

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