post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru changelog discussion thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

forum #205097

After getting adjusted to the last change I guess this is relevant again:

pc88 said:

Used to be very convenient to just put a URL in to see if the artist tag exists and all listed URLs associated with said artist tag, especially to check for other variants or higher quality versions uploaded elsewhere.

Also why is the "Source" box for URLs so small? Don't think it was like that before

evazion said:

  • The "Fetch source data" box has icons linking to the artist's profile pages now. I consider this a fix for removing the artist URLs from the related tags. They were removed because the usability was terrible. It was this big unsorted list of URLs, too hard to read, too big to even fit on the screen in many cases, especially on smaller screens or in the shift+E tag edit box. It messed up the layout and was useless a lot of the time, especially if you were just tagging a post, not uploading.

Is there an alternative that exists where I can just pop a URL on Danbooru to receive the information that used to be present without having to go through the new upload page or attempt to always download/upload the image (I know and understand my usage of the upload page is very particular and likely the minority).

If I paste a URL and a duplicate image does not exist for it, there's still an extra web page I have to sit through source fetching process (and now one that is way longer then it ever has been since I've used this site I think) if I just want to see information that is very useful for me of a URL that I do not know info about (artist tag if it exists in the database, artist links to their other websites, translated tags of the original source, etc). If a duplicate image does exist it completely robs me of that information entirely and immediately throws me to the duplicate upload, meaning I'd probably have to go through the artist tag and then the artists wiki to get information.

Basically before I used to just drop a URL to get everything I ever wanted to know, now in the future there's going to be a bit of run-around and clicking of extra pages for my niche tastes.

Ars said:

Really not a fan of this change, the wait time between hitting the bookmarklet and actually being able to start tagging is really obnoxious. What was the reasoning behind this change?

It feels slower because it's uploading the file first before taking you to the tagging page. Before if you used the bookmarklet it would upload the image in the background while you were on the tagging page.

Uploading the image first is slower, but it solves a lot of problems. It lets us check for duplicates before you start tagging. It lets us show errors right way if the file is invalid or the source is bad. It lets us show the preview image and similar images on the upload page, even if you're not using the bookmarklet. It lets you save images for upload later. It makes room for future improvements, like being able to upload multiple files at once.

That said, there's stuff that could be done to make it faster. Part of why it's slow is the thumbnail generation process - it's generating multiple thumbnails and saving them to multiple image servers, but it's doing it one-at-a-time instead of in parallel.

user_491970 said:

how long do things remain stored in the upload listing, just wondering if one was to click it by mistake would completely random stuff be logged onto this site?

Forever, if I understood it correctly, though the ability to delete stuff will be added in the future it seems.

Currently everything you upload will be saved forever. There will probably be some way to hide or remove unwanted images in the future, but for the time being everything is saved forever.

(Up until recently, if you used the bookmarklet, then everything you used it on would be saved for at least a day, even if you didn't upload it. The only difference now is, besides files being saved forever, is that you can actually see everything you've uploaded.)

pc88 said:

Is there an alternative that exists where I can just pop a URL on Danbooru to receive the information that used to be present without having to go through the new upload page or attempt to always download/upload the image (I know and understand my usage of the upload page is very particular and likely the minority).

Have you tried Danbooru’s IQDB? I guess it still requires an extra click on the image result, though.

kittey said:

Have you tried Danbooru’s IQDB? I guess it still requires an extra click on the image result, though.

Yeah I tried that, not exactly what I was looking for. I was using the Artists in the mean time.

Nameless_Contributor said:

You might find this userscript useful:
It shows the Danbooru tags next to usernames and tags on many sites like Pixiv and Twitter. You can click the translated tags to open the relevant page on Danbooru.

Wow! Extremely useful indeed! Thank you.


evazion said:

That said, there's stuff that could be done to make it faster. Part of why it's slow is the thumbnail generation process - it's generating multiple thumbnails and saving them to multiple image servers, but it's doing it one-at-a-time instead of in parallel.

I'm glad to hear the loading time could be improved in the future, it's my single, biggest "complaint" about this new change.

Cattywampus said:

Are the requirements for my/all uploads going to be the same as regular posts? That is, can you be penalized for having too many low quality “uploads”, even if they aren’t submitted?

Generally, no, but if you abuse the service (like dumping loads of images that you’re not going to use), you can get bonked/banned by mods.

There are no quality standards for personal uploads. One of the goals here is to have a way to save art you like but that isn't necessarily Danbooru quality.

You can think of the "My Uploads" page as your own personal collection of images. There are no quality standards here because they're your own images.

The only rules are not to upload anything that is illegal or against Danbooru's Terms of Service - for example, no pirated manga scans or photos of people under the age of 18. And don't use it to dump things that are completely off-topic, like your personal photos. The "All Uploads" page is public to discourage these uses and so they be reported if necessary.

kittey said:

Generally, no, but if you abuse the service (like dumping loads of images that you’re not going to use), you can get bonked/banned by mods.

I should clarify. I don't mind if you use it to save artwork you like, even if you don't plan on uploading it as a real post later. I do mind if you use it as a file dump for images that are illegal or completely off-topic (where "off-topic" means "not even remotely related to anime fanart").

The feature is currently positioned as a way to save images for upload later. But the longer term goal is to have a way to save your personal art collection to Danbooru.

Should there be a way to mark media assets as sensitive for those we don't plan on uploading ourselves? I feel like a lot of users might avoid browsing and uploading others' uploads if they feel they're going to get eye cancer.

Is it just me, or has anyone else found that the upload bookmark does a poorer job of catching similar posts since the update. Now, I'm finding that when I double check the artist page to confirm I'm not posting a duplicate, I find there is a post with same reso and very similar size has already been posted, but is not caught by the tool and marked as similar.

Raynare said:

Is it just me, or has anyone else found that the upload bookmark does a poorer job of catching similar posts since the update. Now, I'm finding that when I double check the artist page to confirm I'm not posting a duplicate, I find there is a post with same reso and very similar size has already been posted, but is not caught by the tool and marked as similar.

That just happened to me and I came here fearing uploading low quality duplicates. Since the issue is already known, I'm going to add my feedback regarding the changes.

Sometimes I'm browsing and want to save something to upload later for reasons, so this feature is very appreciated.

I used to use the bookmarklet to check if something was already uploaded or not or if artist URLs were on the database, now if I do that, I'd be filling the My Uploads page with unnecessary posts, making it harder to check actual images to upload later (I know the alternatives, they require doing more actions though). Same happens if you try unknowingly to upload an image that has already been uploaded, it stays on your My Uploads page. That way it feels more like a personal gallery, as said above, and I personally don't need nor like it.

I'm indifferent with the loading time.

Laudividni said:

I used to use the bookmarklet to check if something was already uploaded or not or if artist URLs were on the database, now if I do that, I'd be filling the My Uploads page with unnecessary posts, making it harder to check actual images to upload later (I know the alternatives, they require doing more actions though). Same happens if you try unknowingly to upload an image that has already been uploaded, it stays on your My Uploads page. That way it feels more like a personal gallery, as said above, and I personally don't need nor like it.

Right now, the My Uploads page is just a raw list of every upload attempt. This includes things like duplicates and failed uploads. In the future, there will probably be some better separation between "every single thing I've ever tried to upload" and "uploads I actually want to keep".

To check if something is uploaded or not, it's highly, highly recommended that you use these userscripts:

These will show you if a post has already been uploaded while browsing Pixiv, and will show you the Danbooru artist tag while browsing Pixiv or Twitter, so you can easily check if an artist exists and see their recent posts. Userscripts like this are pretty much mandatory if you're a serious uploader.

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