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Danbooru changelog discussion thread

Posted under Bugs & Features

Guaro said:

I don't know if it has something to do with the changes, but when I search for my upvotes on specific users like: Post count for upvote:guaro user:Inujerr : timed out it times out really fast, even if the count is pretty low (63 images) but it works for lower counts like 21 upvotes on other "user:" searches. When I search for my upvotes on specific tags, it does work better. (Post count for upvote:guaro 1girl: 5894)

Searches tend to time out if you search for two large (meta)tags with a small intersection. I guess it works better if the uploader you search for has less uploads or if you voted more often on a user’s uploads.

kittey said:

Searches tend to time out if you search for two large (meta)tags with a small intersection. I guess it works better if the uploader you search for has less uploads or if you voted more often on a user’s uploads.

I forgot to mention, that I used same searches like that before the change, some months ago in July, and they worked then.

Like this one, which doesn't work now: Post count for upvote:guaro user:Unbreakable: 360
But I just wanted to mention it, maybe it just doesn't work right now.

kittey said:

According to the changelogs, it’s supposed to prevent abuse. Might also be a new incentive to upgrade, now that that’s not required anymore for voting.

It's both. It's to discourage voting with multiple accounts, and to offer Gold users an alternate incentive now that voting and unlimited favorites are free to everyone.

If everyone had private upvotes, then it would be too easy for uploaders to use private upvotes to upvote their own posts with multiple accounts. In the past I've caught Builders using alt accounts to favorite their own posts, so I have no doubt they would upvote their own posts if given the opportunity. I've also caught Builders using scripts to upvote their own posts multiple times, back when votes were only saved for a limited time so it was possible to vote multiple times if you waited long enough. Making upvotes public discourages behavior like this.

Guaro said:

Like this one, which doesn't work now: Post count for upvote:guaro user:Unbreakable: 360
But I just wanted to mention it, maybe it just doesn't work right now.

Did some minor optimizations to hopefully make this faster, but in general upvote:user searches are going to be slower than before because they're doing more work to filter out private upvotes now.

evazion said:

Did some minor optimizations to hopefully make this faster, but in general upvote:user searches are going to be slower than before because they're doing more work to filter out private upvotes now.

It does work (right) now. :)

evazion said:

in general upvote:user searches are going to be slower than before because they're doing more work to filter out private upvotes now.

Shouldn’t that be a one-time check? Either the user’s upvotes are public, in which case it shouldn’t differ from before, or they’re private, in which case there’s not even a point in looking for any at all.

Also, public downvotes setting when? :)

kittey said:

Shouldn’t that be a one-time check? Either the user’s upvotes are public, in which case it shouldn’t differ from before, or they’re private, in which case there’s not even a point in looking for any at all.

It does it as a subquery of a subquery of a query instead of doing it as a separate query, which has now become more complicated since it has to check the privacy permission for users. The first subquery for non-Admins gets the list of Users with public favorites, then the next subquery gets the list of all visible upvotes using that, which plugs into the final query which matches all of the posts which matches any single upvote. I'm not positive on all of that though since my SQL-fu is still at the novice level.

It could however do it as an upfront query like you said, and if a user is allowed to view a particular user's post votes (including one's own), then just perform the query as normal without checking visibility, otherwise return 0 posts.

Also, public downvotes setting when? :)

Probably not a good idea, if for no other reason that it would be inviting aggression in an aggressive matter itself.


Sorry if it's already been mentioned somewhere, but I'm not familiar with those forums and my search regarding this matter doesn't seem to give me relevant results.

I have got an issue when downloading pictures with multiple characters or copyrights: whether I use the web browser and right click to download the picture, or I use a downloader that uses my API key, the filenames are horribly long and I simply can't save in my Downloads folder.

Would it be possible to have the default filename in web browser :
1) Having the post ID in the beginning of the filename
2) Straight out not include any character name beyond 3-4 characters (or let's say 50 letters)
3) Same goes for the copyrights
4) Not have the hash before the extention

... please? Same goes for the file names provided by the API (I don't know exactly how it works, sorry)
Or at least toggable checkboxes in our account settings.

It is really, really annoying to be forced to modify the filename by hand for every single download that contains a lot of characters/copyrights, or to fix dozens of API downloads by hand.

Have a nide day.

decondelite said:


Sorry if it's already been mentioned somewhere, but I'm not familiar with those forums and my search regarding this matter doesn't seem to give me relevant results.

I have got an issue when downloading pictures with multiple characters or copyrights: whether I use the web browser and right click to download the picture, or I use a downloader that uses my API key, the filenames are horribly long and I simply can't save in my Downloads folder.

Would it be possible to have the default filename in web browser :
1) Having the post ID in the beginning of the filename
2) Straight out not include any character name beyond 3-4 characters (or let's say 50 letters)
3) Same goes for the copyrights
4) Not have the hash before the extention

... please? Same goes for the file names provided by the API (I don't know exactly how it works, sorry)
Or at least toggable checkboxes in our account settings.

It is really, really annoying to be forced to modify the filename by hand for every single download that contains a lot of characters/copyrights, or to fix dozens of API downloads by hand.

Have a nide day.

Settings > Advanced > "Disable tagged filenames"

nonamethanks said:

Settings > Advanced > "Disable tagged filenames"

That doesn't really do the job, and more importantly that doesn't fix anything... I still want to be able to retrieve the original post by at least its ID and the artist name.
And that doesn't change anything regarding the API either.

decondelite said:

That doesn't really do the job, and more importantly that doesn't fix anything... I still want to be able to retrieve the original post by at least its ID and the artist name.
And that doesn't change anything regarding the API either.

What do you mean it doesn't change anything? I have that setting enabled and the api to me shows filenames without tags in it. What downloader are you using?

Beyond that, filenames are either in the tagged form or in the form of md5.extension when the tagged form is disabled. If you want more options you should check whatever settings your downloader makes available to you.

spiritzero3 said:

Can you add the option to use arrow keys of the keyboard to go to previous or next image when opening an image an navigate between the search results without having to use the Mouse?

Do you not like using the A and D keys or do they not work for you?

spiritzero3 said:

Can you add the option to use arrow keys of the keyboard to go to previous or next image when opening an image an navigate between the search results without having to use the Mouse?

I would like to add that the arrow keys already work in addition to A and D to go tho the previous/next page, for example in /posts or in the forum, so they would be expected to also work for previous/next post.

Nameless_Contributor said:

I would like to add that the arrow keys already work in addition to A and D to go tho the previous/next page, for example in /posts or in the forum, so they would be expected to also work for previous/next post.

We had this before, but it was reverted because people complained about not being able to use left/right arrow to scroll horizontally on wide posts.

Not currently. Today's update was in preparation for adding new thumbnail sizes. The new thumbnail sizes will be bigger and will make better use of your screen. Having different thumbnails for desktop and mobile made it difficult to add new thumbnail sizes, since it meant we needed twice the thumbnails.

Also, to generate square thumbnails, we have to crop out part of the image, but the cropping algorithm wasn't perfect and it didn't always do a good job. Sometimes it cropped out faces so that the post appeared to be a close-up or head out of frame shot, when it wasn't. Other times it would zoom in on the wrong part of the image, like zooming in on the sky or ground instead of the main character. In general, it's hard to produce square thumbnails without potentially cropping out important parts of the image.

evazion said:

Not currently. Today's update was in preparation for adding new thumbnail sizes. The new thumbnail sizes will be bigger and will make better use of your screen. Having different thumbnails for desktop and mobile made it difficult to add new thumbnail sizes, since it meant we needed twice the thumbnails.

Also, to generate square thumbnails, we have to crop out part of the image, but the cropping algorithm wasn't perfect and it didn't always do a good job. Sometimes it cropped out faces so that the post appeared to be a close-up or head out of frame shot, when it wasn't. Other times it would zoom in on the wrong part of the image, like zooming in on the sky or ground instead of the main character. In general, it's hard to produce square thumbnails without potentially cropping out important parts of the image.

In the future, will there be any way to have the mobile version look good again? Right now the page is around 40% empty space, 60% picture, where as before it was 95% picture and 5% empty space.

evazion said:

You can try one of these to see what it's going to look like:

It still needs some work, but it should make more use of your screen than it does right now.

Ooo, ok. I especially like the 225 version, as there's not much dead space between pictures. Thankyou for the quick and informative response! Another side question, will there be a version where the rows of pics are 3 wide? Just curious.

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