post #9000000 GET!

Flag Vandalism

Posted under General

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so, i see this post #2499103 and several other artworks being flagged because of the shading being simplistic or being flat. i think this should never be a flagging reason. simple/flat shading isn't a foul thing, but artistic choice. i think something like "bad face" should also not be a flagging reason because of it seems so subjective. bad face should be along the line of the face being terribly asymmetrical or something not personal taste.

Provence said:

Every flag is too some degree subjective.
If they weren't subjective, images who are flagged wouldn't be approved or uploaded to begin with.

that's not answering my point. i'm pointing out that the flag being too subjective. for instance on the post i put. the post isn't flagged because of the face being bad but most likely because of flagger taste. i mean, how is the face bad? it's not asymmetrical, it's not misplaced, there's nothing off about it. all it does differently is that the nose being drawn with long line instead of smaller anime nose people more used to and the mouth being a bit closer to chin. but does that constitute to "bad face" or "artistic choice". i'm more toward the later. it feels like it's just someone doesn't find the face in his liking and immediately flag it without a second thought.


>>Oh, I have found tons of such posts each day.

Wondering what your general standards are in that case. (Not really). :v

Yeah, also kind of wondering what notes "bad face" in this previous example. More details as to why would have been helpful.

NCAA_Gundam said:

>>Oh, I have found tons of such posts each day.

Wondering what your general standards are in that case. (Not really). :v

Oh, I consider mine as pretty low but hey, they aren't worthy to be flagged :3.

PsyId said:

that's not answering my point. i'm pointing out that the flag being too subjective. for instance on the post i put. the post isn't flagged because of the face being bad but most likely because of flagger taste. i mean, how is the face bad? it's not asymmetrical, it's not misplaced, there's nothing off about it. all it does differently is that the nose being drawn with long line instead of smaller anime nose people more used to and the mouth being a bit closer to chin. but does that constitute to "bad face" or "artistic choice". i'm more toward the later. it feels like it's just someone doesn't find the face in his liking and immediately flag it without a second thought.

Oddly shaped and misplaced supraorbital ridge
The face IS asymmetrical, too (the nose angle is not the same as the angle of the face, and the mouth is not aligned with the nose as a result - and also isn't aligned with the face either. The chinline is also rather questionable).

It isn't close to the level at which I would flag it, and if I was an approver who saw the flag I might even reapprove the image myself, but it's understandable and certainly a very long way from being something to start attacking whoever it was that did flag the image over. Calling it vandalism just because you personally don't see the flaws that the image has is absurd.

I flagged the post primarily because I felt that the sloppy facial anatomy placed it below the rest of the set and into borderline territory. Shading was admittedly a subjective call, it seemed worse than it was on first glance.

Provence said:

Oh, I have found tons of such posts each day.
No seriously: If in doubt then I wouldn't flag it and only flag posts when you are convinced that there are serious flaws.
You can still contact the possible approver afterwards if the flag is resolved with an approval.
But ok, there are persons who can't really good express what they want to say about a post and don't flag it in the end. So I don't know about this. I don't mind :3.

Btw why tagging in the first paragraph? I think you mean "flagging" :3.

If in doubt I think there is credible reason to flag. I think of it like this: If I am in doubt of if I should flag than I would have been in doubt to upload it. Therefore it should be flagged. There's at least a credible enoigj reason for it to get another look. I usually don't flag thise edge cases because people whine and complain. This is another reason we should have a thread.

chodorov said:

I suggest making a discussion thread for posts which a user deems flaggable but is not sure. Mods and other users could assess their concerns and weigh whether there are valid reasons for deletion.

Or they could just, y'know, flag them and let the system work as intended rather than making it more complicated than it needs to be. Uploads worth keeping will continue to get (re)approved as they always have. If users are obviously flagging in bad faith or persistently flagging for trivial reasons, handling such situations is one of the reasons we have moderators.

We needn't drag every single issue into the forum for open debate.

Just for the record, "sloppy facial anatomy - nose angled differently from face and face oddly shaped" is a much better flag than "bad face". Such specific flagging needs to be encouraged, IMO.

iridescent_slime said:

I don't want to debate anything. And some users are constrained by flag limits. You could say the same about the appeals system and yet there is a dedicated thread for appeals.

kuuderes_shadow said:

Oddly shaped and misplaced supraorbital ridge
The face IS asymmetrical, too (the nose angle is not the same as the angle of the face, and the mouth is not aligned with the nose as a result - and also isn't aligned with the face either. The chinline is also rather questionable).

i know it's been approved again. but i just want to say some other things.

i always question how people judge face being asymmetrical in anime art. is it just something come out of a hunch or is it backed with evidence. for the most artist, we judge it by mirroring it. it's really good, fast, and widely accepted method by artist community to make sure the face is not sloppy. i mirrored artwork to check it, and it's looks perfectly fine.

also, maybe i'll give a bit of background on anime illustration. in anime style drawing, the nose is the most annoying/hard thing to draw for young/teenage character. usually artist don't draw the nose in the shape of real nose because it make the character significantly less cuter, it'll just give them more mature look. that's why they usually just draw dot/line and/or a bit of shade for the nose.

so i think if the nose isn't drawn perfectly the way you think it is, you should give a pass, as nose is not really a good measuring point in anime illustration given how unrealistic it is.

I'm not even talking about the way the nose is drawn - I'm talking about the angle it's drawn at, compared to the angle of the face. Mirroring it in that case is meaningless as if you mirror it it will still be out by the exact same amount but in the opposite direction - try rotating it so that the eyes are at the same level as each other - notice the mouth and nose are now at an angle while the rest of the head is upright? That's what I'm talking about.
Anyway, even if you decide that a particular flaw is insignificant or irrelevant (whether it's right or wrong that you do so isn't even the point here), flagging something over a flaw is not vandalism.

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