It's not the number of approvers that is the point, though, although obviously more mods reviewing an image makes it more likely that one of them will approve it. Cases of images passing through the queue with just 1 mod reviewing them are starting to appear for the first time in a while, and 2 and 3 seem to be becoming more common again.
The thing is, I get the feeling that a lot of mods will pass over images for various reasons that nonetheless want approving - perhaps they aren't personally interested in the subject matter, or they aren't completely confident so leave it to someone else to decide, or they're going through quickly and only picking out the best of the best to approve. I don't want to come across as though I'm being critical about this - on an individual level there's nothing wrong with it and I know I'd do the same thing if I had approval priveleges.
But for the mod queue to actually function fully effectively, there needs to be someone who is prepared to go through every single picture (probably from the bottom of the queue) every single day, approving every single image that falls on the right side of borderline, even if only barely, regardless of the non-quality related content of the image. It's a hugely time consuming task, and a largely thankless one (indeed, as you will inevitably be picking out those images that other mods left alone, it's likely that your approvals will be of a lower average quality than other mods, and some people may thus see you as inferior as a result). Not to mention that you would have to give serious consideration to images that make you want to puke. But, no matter how many mods are checking images, someone has to play the role or you'll get images that are slipping through the system that shouldn't.
For years this role was filled by Not One Of Us. Yes they approved some images that really shouldn't have been approved, but they also ensured that a huge number of images that really don't want to be deleted were spared from that deletion at the last minute. Now they no longer have approval priveleges and there's noone filling that role.
To see the effect this has you only have to look through the deleted images. Early this year I checked a month's worth of deleted images to see how many I felt should be approved. I found a couple of dozen borderline posts, of which just 5 I thought really wanted approval. I was pleasantly surprised by this outcome.
Nowadays, and with much the same standards as I had then, I would expect to reach that 5 before reaching the end of the latest day. Sure you can then post in the deletion appeals thread, and things do occasionally get rescued as a result, but images that had only 2 or 3 mod reviews that are posted in there generally stay on only 2 or 3 mod reviews - in other words mods often aren't even checking them. This much at least is nothing new, but that's not exactly a good thing. And of course some uploaders don't know about the thread anyway.
Yes, the number of approvers checking each image that has been deleted is slightly higher now than it was back then, but this isn't actually the key factor to preventing decent images from getting deleted.
It got to the point where someone without unrestricted uploads adding an image to danbooru can actually prevent the image getting on the site. Which is an absurdity.
Anyway, all this is completely off the topic of the thread...
... so to get more on the topic of the thread, I think the flag reason for post #2558599 is a contender for the worst ever.
(edit: fixing grammar error)