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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

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EB said:

I made some tag changes to post #1477967 after uploading, yet those changes don't appear to be showing up in the tag history. Some kind of glitch?

If you edit a post within an hour of when you last edited/uploaded it then the changes will be merged into the previous version you made rather than making a new version. Same for pools.

Toks said:
If you edit a post within an hour of when you last edited/uploaded it then the changes will be merged into the previous version you made rather than making a new version. Same for pools.

I guess that's fine when it comes to adding tags, but I deleted a tag I originally had on the post (character_request), and there's not a trace of it there in the history. Not that it matters much in a situation like this, but don't think it's a good idea to keep changes like that untracked.

EB said:

I guess that's fine when it comes to adding tags, but I deleted a tag I originally had on the post (character_request), and there's not a trace of it there in the history. Not that it matters much in a situation like this, but don't think it's a good idea to keep changes like that untracked.

Yeah, I don't really see any conceivable benefit, and an obvious downside (makes it harder to revert changes made in error).


The benefit of merging changes is that if someone makes a number of small changes back-to-back or fixes their typos, it won't clutter up the history.

What's an example of the downside?

If someone adds a tag and then removes it right after, for example, I would think the addition was the accident, and the removal was intentional.

Toks said:
If someone adds a tag and then removes it right after, for example, I would think the addition was the accident, and the removal was intentional.

Frankly, I do this a lot. I forget I'm in scripting mode and left click or try to ctrl+click an image and it adds whatever my current script is instead of opening the image. There's no reason anyone but me needs to know I did this and not showing that I did doesn't do anyone harm.

I agree with Toks, this is a useful feature.

Magus said:
and an obvious downside (makes it harder to revert changes made in error).

Only recent changes from the same user are merged. So if you made a mistake and know about it, removing inappropriate tag(s) manually shouldn't be a problem.
The only exception I can think of, is if after uploading an image you are editing its tags and accidentally copy-paste a huge chunk of tags from another post, but I'm not sure how probable this scenario is.

MyrMindservant said:

The only exception I can think of, is if after uploading an image you are editing its tags and accidentally copy-paste a huge chunk of tags from another post, but I'm not sure how probable this scenario is.

Hit the back button to upload another image, but forget to copy-paste the other image's URL into the source field. It's happened to me before.

I really don't like the new post changes page either honestly.

I added the source shortly after he uploaded it and he fixed a typoed tag shortly after that. Doing that without refreshing the post has always reverted the source, but it was obvious that was what happened because the tag edit would be on the same line. With the current system the tag edit is merged into the original upload's list, and the source edit is given its own line, making the history visibly just imply that the user actively changed the source back. It's really confusing and made much more sense as a strictly chronological record of all changes.

Hinacle said:

I really don't like the new post changes page either honestly.

I added the source shortly after he uploaded it and he fixed a typoed tag shortly after that. Doing that without refreshing the post has always reverted the source, but it was obvious that was what happened because the tag edit would be on the same line.

That's not how it works. If you edited the post (to correct the source), then his later change wouldn't be merged at all. It only merges when the person editing the post was the last one to edit it (their name has to be at the top of the post history, which wouldn't be the case after you edited the source - your name would be).

With the current system the tag edit is merged into the original upload's list, and the source edit is given its own line,

It wouldn't separate two changes he made simultaneously into two versions (why would it?). It only combines sequential changes made by one person.

He probably changed the source back intentionally, or he submitted a blank change without refreshing the page, having the effect of changing the source back.

I was fairly certain the typoed tag was still there after I added the source because I made the mental note to fix it after I finished making the artist tag. Otherwise I would have just fixed it with that edit. I guess I'm just confused by a sequence that happened over the course of a minute, but the fact that I can't just see a record of edits I saw happen on the page that exists for that reason is annoying.

There's no reason the merged lines shouldn't record what tags were removed or replaced in some fashion at least. I've seen people do things like upload a post from a banned artist, and then remove the artist tags once they realize it implicates banned_artist. It's not something that has any real effect, and I doubt we'd ever punish people for it, but the fact that it happened should be recorded.

Hinacle said:

I was fairly certain the typoed tag was still there after I added the source

If that really was the case then it would be a bug. But I think he fixed the typo right before you changed the source.

2013-08-05 19:41:29: Post first uploaded
2013-08-05 19:43:49: First version updated
2013-08-05 19:44:33: Source fixed

Also the real issue in this case is probably that source changes aren't merged like tags are. issue #1461

I think the only tag edit where merging can create issues is the first one (on upload). Issues such as the ones pointed out by Hinacle and Magus, or being unable to identify if a user uploads a bunch of images without any tags with the intent of "tagging them later".

Couldn' we just not merge any tag edit with the first one?

(Belated) 2.27.0:

  • Back-to-back post edits will be merged into one if they are made by the same user around the same time.
  • The tag editing dialog can be used on the upload page if you use the upload bookmarklet.
  • The tag editing dialog can be opened with the shortcut shift+E.


  • The bug with uploading certain jpeg images should be fixed.
  • Basic members are limited to flagging at most one post per day. Users less than a week old cannot flag at all.
  • The links to howto:comment has been added back.
  • Search options for flags and appeals.
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