order:rank takes upload date into account, while order:score doesn't. Meaning that a post uploaded 1 hour ago and has 10 score will rank higher than a post uploaded 10 hours ago and has 15 score. The same applies to order:rank2 and order:favcount.
Added pool categories. A pool can either be a series or a collection.
A collection is a group of posts related by their theme (eg. Disgustingly Adorable, Badass, Heart-Warming).
A series could be a comic, a group of related images released by a single artist, or similar things. Series is the default, and is more common.
Is it me or is it switching between series pools being blue and collections being purple and now they're the opposite? Or was it always series being purple and collections blue?
Probably someone already talked about this.. I don't know if it's a v2 bug, a long-time bug or not a bug at all, but if you search for an artist using just the pixiv ID it results in nothing, but if you put the whole address it works.
I'd like to see the ability to undo a vote implemented. Sometimes I'll be looking over comments on my phone and try to view a spoiler at the bottom of a comment, miss, and accidentally downvote the comment. I know I've misclicked while using a PC as well, both for comments and for image score votes, and it's rather annoying to be unable to undo the mistake.
A question with the changes to on the search on the main page (I guess you could call it quick search). Can I switch it to the old behavior as I like being able to use the old search behavior for the dropdown box so I can quickly look for my old search strings instead of it trying to tell me what I'm looking for?
I want to just be able to type in ta and click in the list of previous searched terms for tani_takashi and not get a list of random tags with ta in there. Kinda unsure why this was a change.
In addition to the "Revert to" function when viewing post histories, there is an "Undo" option that will undo that change, without affecting later changes.
Artist pages and wiki pages have links to quickly go between the two.
Blank searches with a wiki will automatically show the wiki. Example: ryu
If an upload fails, you will have the option to retry. (Only for download-from-source uploads, not when uploading from your computer.)
Notification bars (eg. "This post was deleted", "This post has children") are color-coded.
Forum posts and comments can be edited without leaving the current page.
Janitor+ users can view a user's 'Favorites Binomial Confidence Interval'.
This uses statistics to find the probability that each of a particular user's uploads will have at least X favorites, taking into account their uploads from the last month.
Visible from the user promotion report, with users below Contributor level. It's also visible from the user listing (replacing "% Pos" and "% Neg").
Right now, this is stacking with DanbooruUp's auto-complete, producing two drop down boxes. An option to toggle the native auto-complete would be nice, like mentioned before.
Also, is it just me, or is the forum's Quote feature simply not working? And another thing, the Replay link expands the comment box like it should but it still sends me to http://danbooru.donmai.us/forum_posts/new?topic_id=9127.