
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Toks said:

What image? And did it happen every time you tried to upload it or just the first time?

I don't remember the image. I tried maybe three times, always got the notice and gave up.

Edit: Is it possible to filter the upload list (user, status, ...)? If so I might give finding it a try.

Edit2: So I found out you can filter, but only see a few pages. Too bad.


Schrobby said:

Edit2: So I found out you can filter, but only see a few pages. Too bad.

To be more accurate, upload records are deleted after a day or two automatically.

Log said:

The next/previous links on the query bar (not pool bar) should probably be older/newer. I have to double check which way I'm moving too often.

Reverse them? I think I agree that doing that would be more intuitive, particularly because of the way the parent/child previews are (parent and older children on the left). Additionally it would match with the pool navigator better.

Though that would make it the opposite of the way posts are usually displayed on the index, so it may not be perfect. Other opinions?


  • The history of flags and appeals for a particular post can be viewed (links under the History header).
  • To change your email, you are required to confirm your password.

Toks said:

Reverse them? I think I agree that doing that would be more intuitive, particularly because of the way the parent/child previews are (parent and older children on the left). Additionally it would match with the pool navigator better.

The links don't necessarily need to be reversed but the terms switched to older/newer. When I look at the bar and I go see older/newer I instantly go "ok so this is that way from where I clicked and this is this way" but next/prev throws me off for some reason.

It would seem that all Javascript-based functions are broken on my mobile browsers. Tested on the default Android browser and Dolphin, both of which are capable of handling Javascript.

Inaccessible functions:
*Edit tags
*View hidden comments
*View translation notes
*Add translation notes
*Upvote/downvote image/comment
*Favorite/unfavorite an image
*Close the persistent notification banner using the close button

A while back the borders in the image list didn't show up (for in queue, parent/child, and deleted), but that seems to have been fixed somewhere along the line.

I intended to post about this a couple months back but never ended up with both the time and the motivation simultaneously.

Darais said:

It would seem that all Javascript-based functions are broken on my mobile browsers. Tested on the default Android browser and Dolphin, both of which are capable of handling Javascript.

Inaccessible functions:
*Edit tags
*View hidden comments
*View translation notes
*Add translation notes
*Upvote/downvote image/comment
*Favorite/unfavorite an image
*Close the persistent notification banner using the close button

A while back the borders in the image list didn't show up (for in queue, parent/child, and deleted), but that seems to have been fixed somewhere along the line.

I intended to post about this a couple months back but never ended up with both the time and the motivation simultaneously.

Do you have any kind of javascript error console in your browser? If you do, try to see if there're any javascript errors upon loading the pages. Danbooru relies on JQuery library that should provide enough compatibility, but it also means virtually any part of it could go wrong and screw up all javascript functions.

Darais said:

It would seem that all Javascript-based functions are broken on my mobile browsers. Tested on the default Android browser and Dolphin, both of which are capable of handling Javascript.

I just tried to browse the site on an Android 4.2.2 emulator. The javascript functions were working normally.

Perhaps you are using an older version? Could you specify which?

I'm using a Motorola Droid 2 running Android 2.3.4. I'm using the latest version of the Dolphin browser, which unfortunately doesn't seem to have a debug console.

If it helps, the browsers are directed to the URL shown when I hover over the link in Firefox (e.g. to show hidden comments I get sent to /comments?include_below_threshold=true&post_id=#). I've never seen javascript links provide an actual URL beyond javascript:void(0), so maybe the browsers are choking on that part alone?

Running Firefox-21 for Ubuntu Canonical-1.0

Some images (seemingly at random) have the Parent Image/Child Image beige-ish area above the image itself, with the correct thumbnail of the image currently being displayed, but with text reading "This image has 0 children images" or "This image has 0 parent images" text; in other words, it appears as if the currently-displayed image belongs to a Parent/Child set consisting of 0 (zero) other images.

This had been fixed for a while (around mid- to late-April through early May), but it has re-appeared.

I've checked my Java settings etc. etc. etc., and all are according to the typical out-of-box settings for a non-Ubuntu-Canonical version (Windows 7, latest patches and Service Pack for that check), and even then the issue appears.

Hope this helps.

Oh, forgot to mention, when using the Previous/Next functionality to page through images of a specific search (in my case, search terms are yuri and rating:explicit), I can navigate from one in the result set to the next via the appropriate link, in either direction, but after an *average* of about 20 some-odd uses of the Previous/Next links (rather than using the browser's back button to click on the next thumbnail), I get an error message thast something broke, with a failbooru URL. But this error does not appear if I use my browser's back button to go to the next thumbnail, view the resultant image, back button to thumbnails, view reultant page, etc. It only seems to appear when paging through results via the *new* Previous/Next link functionality.

Type-kun said:

You mean like post #1426844? That's because its child is deleted. I remember discussing that at github, but probably that didn't get resolved.

Currently, we have three votes for deleted children to be completely hidden (like in Danbooru 1) and three votes for them to not be hidden. Until we come to a consensus on that, that bug probably isn't going to be fixed. It might help if others gave their opinion on it.


Toks said:

Currently, we have three votes for deleted children to be completely hidden (like in Danbooru 1) and three votes for them to not be hidden. Until we come to a consensus on that, that bug probably isn't going to be fixed. It might help if others gave their opinion on it.

How about adding an option to change visibility of these to the profile settings, similar to the Deleted post filter drop-down list?

D'Eye said:

How about adding an option to change visibility of these to the profile settings, similar to the Deleted post filter drop-down list?

That could be done. Though to do it, we would need to add a new field to posts, like "has_active_children". In addition to the existing has_children field.

It doesn't seem like adding a new field as well as a user setting is appropriate for an issue like this, though it may be worth keeping in mind if there is no agreement on whether deleted children should be hidden or not.

This is rather trivial but I've been meaning to ask since it seems strange: Why do we have a link to our profile page on our profile page? I don't see what use it may have other than filling up space, unless it's a Google recursion type of thing or something.

Fred1515 said:

This is rather trivial but I've been meaning to ask since it seems strange: Why do we have a link to our profile page on our profile page? I don't see what use it may have other than filling up space, unless it's a Google recursion type of thing or something.

That's so you can get to your profile from your settings page (they both have the same set of links in the subnavbar). Similarly, the show page for a pool will have a "Show" link that doesn't take you anywhere. It's probably just for consistency with the other pages that share the same set of links.

Though it does seem redundant when the "My Account" link would take you to your profile anyway...

Toks said:
That's so you can get to your profile from your settings page (they both have the same set of links in the subnavbar). Similarly, the show page for a pool will have a "Show" link that doesn't take you anywhere. It's probably just for consistency with the other pages that share the same set of links.

Though it does seem redundant when the "My Account" link would take you to your profile anyway...

That's what I thought too. If it's for consistency then it makes sense I guess, though it'd probably be better if there was simply black text in the subnavbar instead of a link for the page you're in, like the page number in the paginator.

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