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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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First off, I want to apologize for neglecting the forum during the migration. I wanted to focus on getting all the critical bugs fixed.

I think we're now at the point where things have stabilized. The issues with uploads earlier were server/database related and were not caused by code bugs, and I've set up some monitoring tools to make sure I get alerted when start failing. I've been keeping a close eye on Github to keep track of issues. I also want to thank everyone who took the initiative to sign up and submit issues. You've all proven invaluable in me getting the site up and running smoothly.

That being said, I'm sure people still have some issues they want me to hear about and I'm now at a point where I can start listening. I just have one request: I want to focus on two things: (1) bugs and (2) inconsistencies with the old Danbooru. Please save any major enhancements or suggestions for the future. I'll get to those in due time.

Even if you don't have a Github account I encourage you to visit the issue list to see if there's anything that stands out, whether you strongly agree or disagree with an issue.

Updated by evazion

In the old moderation queue, clicking on an image would open it in a new window, but in the new queue, it opens it in the same window. I always opened interesting posts in a new window to scrutinize them before hiding or approving them. Now, I have to middle click an image to open it in a new tab, and if I forget and single-click an image, hiding the image and hitting the back button brings back hidden posts, and trying to re-hide them in the queue gives the very annoying "Error: You have already hidden this post" message. I preferred the old way where if a post opened in its own tab was hidden, it was automatically hidden in the queue's tab as well. I do like the new queue's layout, but it would be great to combine it with the old queue's functionality.

I know it's a minor issue but I work 9 hour shifts and only have time to run through the queue every couple days so anything that can streamline it would be appreciated.

I'm not sure if what I'm going to point out is inconsistency with Danbooru v1 or an enhancement suggestion, ignore me if it's the latter:

I'd like to have the search box back in the main page for Tags and Pools, as was the case in Danbooru v1. It may not be important for Pools, but 99% of the time when I need to go to the Tags tab, it is to search for tags (investigate useless/typo tags, change tag type,...). As such it is illogical to have to click twice (Tags -> Search) all the time just to reach the search box.

Secondly, please put Implications and Aliases into tabs under Tags tab. Currently they're only listed under Tags in the More index.

Sal.N said:
I'd like to have the search box back in the main page for Tags and Pools, as was the case in Danbooru v1. It may not be important for Pools, but 99% of the time when I need to go to the Tags tab, it is to search for tags (investigate useless/typo tags, change tag type,...). As such it is illogical to have to click twice (Tags -> Search) all the time just to reach the search box.

Don't forget the 'Artist' tab too.

as i already told, i'd like to get back the fav count between the information of the post (if is technically possible), i think it's a rather important know how many user favorite a certain post. secondly, i'd like to get back the clickable link on the post date just for convenience (Date: 1 day ago ). also appreciate the option to disable the sequential search box navigator inside post page (imho is useless, i've never used it, and takes up space). last, a css fix for widescreen displays (more than half of a 2560x1440 screen is unused).
besides that, i think dan2 is better than the dan1, much faster.

I'm a little worried about the way the add for pool interface works as it doesn't really seem to have scrollbars and "Enter the first two letters" thing seems to produce strange results based on what you put in.

This seems to really have no rhyme or reason (That I can see) and without scrollbars even getting fully up to Touhou means you're gonna hope that whatever produces the results is a problem. (Also if the pool add interface issues is another thread knock it over there)
Edit: I was on when I entered it after I managed to find the proper pool to add the tag (I used it again to see how its behavior was on one that was a known page)

Also echoing having search on the pools list as being a very nice thing to have. Also possible move the artists, pools, tags block of buttons on the top bar closer to notes? I'm trying to remember how the top bar looked for D1 but I seem to remember Forum being further to the side for some reason.


Sal.N said:

I'd like to have the search box back in the main page for Tags and Pools [...]


Also, new Post Changes view is okay, but it would be nice if newly added tags were preceded by "+" as it was before.

Agreed that it would be useful to have searches integrated into the main listings for tags, pools, and artists. And maybe some of the other pages as well.

D'Eye said:

Also, new Post Changes view is okay, but it would be nice if newly added tags were preceded by "+" as it was before.

I prefer it with just the colors and no +/-.

One inconsistency with the old Danbooru that I've just run across: It doesn't seem wildcard artist searches work for "Secondary Names". The name has to be exactly right and if you put an asterisk in the search you won't get any secondary name results. It does, however, seem to work perfectly fine with "Primary Name". Wildcard searches of the secondary names have been helpful to me in finding out if an unfamiliar artist is already in Danbooru with a wiki.

Also, Wiki searches can only find the name of the tag, but not any of the contents of the wiki entry as was possible in the old Danbooru.

Graysnake2834 said:

as i already told, i'd like to get back the fav count between the information of the post (if is technically possible), i think it's a rather important know how many user favorite a certain post.

I strongly agree. I would like to be able to browse favorites from post again, as it's only possible to browse now by either remembering which users had good taste or randomly coming across them. If that's not going to happen (for now, or later whenever a private option becomes available), I'd at least like the number of favorites visible right below Score.

EDIT: Oops, didn't know order:favcount was back. That's great. Seems like it won't work for the general listing (without combining with other tags), but that's also a problem with order:score.


EB said:

One inconsistency with the old Danbooru that I've just run across: It doesn't seem wildcard artist searches work for "Secondary Names". The name has to be exactly right and if you put an asterisk in the search you won't get any secondary name results. It does, however, seem to work perfectly fine with "Primary Name". Wildcard searches of the secondary names have been helpful to me in finding out if an unfamiliar artist is already in Danbooru with a wiki.

The other name search is a limitation of the data structure.

EB said:

Also, Wiki searches can only find the name of the tag, but not any of the contents of the wiki entry as was possible in the old Danbooru.

You can use the wiki search page for more advanced wiki searches.

EB said:

a restoration of order:favcount

That already happened at some point. Example: mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica order:favcount

At this point I think you've already fixed most the bugs and issues I'd pointed out previously.

So, for the record, I'm loving D2. Even some of the stuff I didn't think I'd be using, like navigating sequential search results like you would a pool, I've found myself enjoying.

I'll have some better feedback when it comes time for enhancement suggestions but for now... keep up the good work!

Toks said:
You can use the wiki search page for more advanced wiki searches.

Oh, perfect! Mainly needing it to search kana/kanji and it works fine there. Does look like there is trouble finding non-exact matches as with the Secondary Names in the artist wiki. I suppose if there's no way around that, a Google site search can be used as an alternative.

Zelinkokitsune said:

I'm a little worried about the way the add for pool interface works as it doesn't really seem to have scrollbars and "Enter the first two letters" thing seems to produce strange results based on what you put in.

I'm honestly not sure what the best interface for pools is. There are far too many active pools now for the old select style menu to be viable. Maybe if the sorting were better? Which pools should appear first?

Sorry to be so persistent, but my issues haven't been fixed yet so.
First, the page count in search disappears above a certain number - I haven't yet figured exactly, but I haven't seen anything reaching 200. This is really inconvenient, because I usually need to see how many pages are there.
Secondly, the search keeps crashing on various queries like "multiple_girls solo", "gentags:1 -tagme"; some queries like simply "gentags:1" do not display the page count properly and sometimes crash out of the blue on certain pages.
And finally there are great problems with data search, because things keep outtiming if I search for anything posted more than in one or two months (very few queries are exceptions, but I can't figure out the principle).
All these things worked perfectly on Danbooru1 so I'm really upset. I hope this gets fixed at last if possible.
Everything else is just great, thanks a lot for your great work, albert.

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