
Danbooru 2 upgrade on Feb 16, 2013

Posted under General

I'm abruptly getting persistent errors when attempting to save translation notes. Did I catch the site at a point when that function's been temporarily disabled? I didn't see a new thread for the matter when I checked the forum, nor a notice in this thread.

Moonspeaker said:

I'm abruptly getting persistent errors when attempting to save translation notes. Did I catch the site at a point when that function's been temporarily disabled? I didn't see a new thread for the matter when I checked the forum, nor a notice in this thread.

Uploads and tag changes are also giving errors. Looks like something broke horribly.

Type-kun said:

I'm pretty sure it's disabled now for regular users. At least I wasn't able to change gentag to artist when I tried it (per forum #85480)

If it is disabled, how did souryuu9 change the tag from general to character?

Type-kun said:
Also, didn't "forum #..." links lead to topic number before update?

forum #x has always linked to the individual post ID. The only difference is that the URL of forum threads used to contain the ID of the first post instead of the ID of the forum topic. So before the update, the URL of this thread would have 82440 in it instead of 8830.

Toks said:
Huh? Why wouldn't they be able to?

In danbooru 1 regular users (member level) weren't able to change the tag type of tags that had more than 10(?) posts. This was done to prevent vandalism or unintentional mistakes because such changes are not easy to track.
I don't know if this behavior has changed though.

On another note, did we really lose the option to disable the tag search navigation bar, or I just can't find it?
Because if we did, then this should be submitted as a new issue, Albert previously said that he's going to add a user settings option for this:

Moonspeaker said:

I'm abruptly getting persistent errors when attempting to save translation notes. Did I catch the site at a point when that function's been temporarily disabled? I didn't see a new thread for the matter when I checked the forum, nor a notice in this thread.

Getting the same thing. Tried commenting to ask for help but errors too

MyrMindservant said:

In danbooru 1 regular users (member level) weren't able to change the tag type of tags that had more than 10(?) posts. This was done to prevent vandalism or unintentional mistakes because such changes are not easy to track.
I don't know if this behavior has changed though.

I remember reading that, but I remember being able to change tag types just fine when I was a regular member.

But now that I think about it, it seems likely that it was a bug with Danbooru 1 that has been fixed.

MyrMindservant said:
On another note, did we really lose the option to disable the tag search navigation bar, or I just can't find it?
Because if we did, then this should be submitted as a new issue, Albert previously said that he's going to add a user settings option for this:

I also can't find it. I'll make an issue.

souryuu9 said:

I hope I didn't break anything?

post #1025741 - sanemaki_nozomi was a gentag, I tried to change it to a chartag and add the basin tag but got "the database timed out" or something. It's a chartag now, but basin isn't there and the tag history went unchanged.

Everything is timing out, so that's not going to work either. It didn't actually change the tag's type when you did it. I just tried with the tag listing and it seems to have worked.

Magus said:

Still getting "Too many matching artists found" errors on a lot of artist searches. For example, niwatazumi's images from Pixiv for some reason always produce that error when I'm uploading them.

Isn't that just because that artist's Pixiv URL wasn't set up correctly?

It was like this:

I changed it to:

And it's working for me now.

Is this behavior different from before the upgrade?

Toks said:

It was like this:

I changed it to:

And it's working for me now.

Is this behavior different from before the upgrade?

No. Something similar would happen in Danbooru 1. The URL in your first example may not have worked because it was missing the http://. The image bit at the end would not have affected the entry. Sometimes you have to save the artist's entry again for it to work for whatever reason. I've had entries that had URLs setup like your second example but the artist still couldn't be found.

Is there some kinda score bug with the deletion process?

I use the score of a post as an indicator for whether I should appeal a deleted upload.

Now, post #1373166 was sitting on +6 a few hours ago, and has plummeted to -15 on deletion -- even if it's not "liked", there's no way in hell a 3-day-old image got 21 downvotes in that short a time!

flynch said:

Ok, I may have missed it in the thread but. I just clicked the hijiribe link above in jxh2154's quote. And it asked me to accept the ToS. I clicked accept, and I was automatically logged in as padmouse ( in that tab, I have no idea who that is, I've also never used the hijiribe domain to browse the site. I'm not sharing my PC/connection with anyone.

Is this a known bug?

I immediately logged out, don't worry padmouse.

i experienced something similar this today. "My Account (1)" link supposedly has 1 reminder because i didn't read the dmail yet. from github, i went back to danbooru's forum and noticed "My Account" link has no number anymore. if i remember correctly, seems hazy at the moment, i was logged out already. earlier, i only logged in to issue user records when i was browsing the user feedback anonymously.

additionally, when i clicked "My Account" it goes to user #58866 and was logged out. though, i don't remember logging in before.

does anyone experience something like this especially to higher accounts with greater power? or is this a major concern?

Kikimaru said:

Is there some kinda score bug with the deletion process?

I use the score of a post as an indicator for whether I should appeal a deleted upload.

Now, post #1373166 was sitting on +6 a few hours ago, and has plummeted to -15 on deletion -- even if it's not "liked", there's no way in hell a 3-day-old image got 21 downvotes in that short a time!

Definitely a bug. For some reason, that post is listed as having a score that isn't the sum of its up and down votes (in the API).

Related: issue #683 and issue #862

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