
Danbooru 2 upgrade on Feb 16, 2013

Posted under General

For those who don't check GitHub and want to know the most significant changes after the recent downtime:

  • User passwords are more secure.
  • The tag type changing bug should be fixed.
  • The alias reversing bug should be fixed.
  • Platinum users and above can search for up to 12 tags instead of 6.

Xander01 said:

When trying to favourite an image I am redirected to my favourites page but it isn't added. Any fix for this?

Sounds like you have JavaScript disabled. Enable it and it should work fine.

zigzag said:

I'm not a fan of the change to the way posting dates are displayed. I preferred the "1 year ago" "2 months ago" "10 minutes ago" etc, where it was easy to see a post's age at a quick glance.

Concur. Maybe this could be an account setting?

Use "style" attribute instead. I edited the lower note for an example. Also note the explicit line-height declaration: using block elements in notes will break line height, like it was right after upgrade. I'll file it as an issue, but you can use it as a fix for now.


For a record, after browsing source a bit:

Allowed tags in notes:
tn h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 a span div blockquote br p ul li ol em strong small big b i font

Allowed attributes:
"a": href title style
"span": class style
"div": class style
"p": class style
"font": color size style

Would be nice if someone made it into wiki.

Toks said:

The <center> and <p align="center"> tags are working again. We also got , <s>, and <u>. [/quote] So Strikethrough's working [quote] Toks said: The <center> and <p align="center"> tags are working again. We also got <code>, <s>, and <u>. [/quote] So Strikethrough and Underline's back Good to know.

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