Fair enough, I stand chastised. I thought, however, that the subject matter (in clear violation of the rules on the posting page) made it a candidate for speedy deletion.
Posted under General
Grainy image.
Benit149 said:
post #264614Grainy image.
You mean jpeg_artifacts?
As I've flagged few posts in a row I'd like to preemptively assure mods that:
1. I'm perfectly aware that only being duplicate isn't the reason for flagging
2. All these posts were of worse quality than parents and they were artifacted and they were posted later than better parents (i.e they're 'true' duplicates)
post #574061 was reflagged by one of the 9 original flaggers. Because of this, it bugs out and stays flagged forever until a janitor takes care of it manually. (approving or deleting)
post #574061 has been taken care of right now.
edit 3 days later:
Same fate meets another reflagged image stuck in the queue, post #821300.
Please delete this image I uploaded. Is post #1351986. I didn't notice the 3d party watermark. Sorry.
Kronnang_Dunn said:
Please delete this image I uploaded. Is post #1351986. I didn't notice the 3d party watermark. Sorry.
It hasn't been approved yet, and it probably won't be due to the watermark.
Anelaid said:
5.) Do not request to flag or delete images that are in the moderation queue. If it does get approved, however, feel free to flag it.
post #281982 for bad quality
post #1354713 because I'm a moron and hit upload instead of find similar trying to find a bigger version of it -_-
Half the posts by Hontai_Bai -- poorly scanned, random doujinshi pages.
post #1360110 corrupt
Log said:
post #1360110 corrupt
It's been permanently deleted now so it can be re-uploaded.
Source page (just in case): http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=33548028