Surely I'm not the only one that thinks this is a Godawful shop that shouldn't have been uploaded in the first place?
The fact that it was approved sends the wrong kind of message, that crap like this is okay when it really isn't.
Posted under General
Surely I'm not the only one that thinks this is a Godawful shop that shouldn't have been uploaded in the first place?
The fact that it was approved sends the wrong kind of message, that crap like this is okay when it really isn't.
Ars said:
post #1285920Surely I'm not the only one that thinks this is a Godawful shop that shouldn't have been uploaded in the first place?
You're not alone.
However, I flagged it first, letting other moderators to judge.
Kind of old, but I stumbled across it.
Someone clearly just saved the multi-page thumbnail from Pixiv.
I would like to flag my own recent post for deletion as I have been drinking and accidentally clicked on "Upload" instead of "Find similar". I knew that the copy I had would be of a lower resolution than the one here and never intended to post it.
Post is post #1296253
Edit: Wow, that was fast! Thanks guys!
I was going through the pactio tag when I saw these two. I find it hard to believe these were approved even for that time.
Depending on how old, they may have even been posted before there were any guidelines on posting. Danbooru once was pretty much everything-goes, though most off-topic material has been taken care of by now.
There used to be a policy not to touch that stuff, since it would penalize members for doing something that wasn't against the rules at the time. I doubt it's much of an issue now though since most of the users of that era are:
1: gone,
2: elevated to contrib+, or
3: so prolific that a handful of deletions won't affect their posting limit.
double delete.
Log said:
post #1299460double delete.
Done. It was pixiv #31606599 BTW if anyone feels like reposting it.
post #929557 dd again.
Log said:
post #929557 dd again.
Taken care of. Looks like it was an expired image board post though, so I'm not sure where to find a good copy to re-upload.
Horrible distortion, probably from resizing a smaller image.
Meant to hit "find similar", accidentally pressed the wrong button, so now it's just a lowres dupe of something else. (Sorry 'bout that).
Thumbnail uploaded by accident.
I already have a bigger size of that pic.
Reason: uploaded a higher resolution version
A couple of poor quality pics here.
post #1337
post #67886
post #65072
post #87142