
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

So, I have a few images in my status:deleted, and I get most of them, but I wanted a little feedback on post #787728, specifically. I'm wondering which holds more weight towards deletion: The quality of the pixel art, or the fact that I animated the artist's sprite sheet myself? I guess what I'm getting at is, if I had just uploaded the original sprite sheet, would that have been more likely to meet with success, or is this piece just straight-up not for Danbooru?


Danzaiver said: post #787728

I think the issue is that the sprite simply lacks charm (coupled with the fact that the animation is pretty stiff). And even though I'm a big, fat TF2 fan(atic) myself, I don't really find anything appealing about the sprite at all.

Try looking at some posts tagged with pixel_art (or pixel_art gif), and contrast them to the Heavy sprite to get an idea of what I mean - being able to consider a sprite "charming" is of crucial importance.


nanami said: post #702315

It's an above average image, but the lack of amazing-ness and interesting emphasis killed it for me. Plus she's not that pretty. So yeah, personal preference plays strong in this one. I honestly don't know why nobody else approved it.

post #701451

  • Yuri's right lower arm, left leg, torso are all too short.
  • The connection between her neck and face was lazily drawn.

Just a quick note not directed at anyone in particular: Remember, this thread is for asking for feedback in a general sense. Not as a fallback plan if your deletion appeal thread post didn't get you anywhere for a given post. Most people shouldn't be posting in this thread repeatedly.

post #780624 - why ? I know it's pretty hardcore pic, but still it doesn't include gore and it's in fine resolution 1k+ * 1k+.

Sometimes I have a feeling that some series are undesired on danbooru e.g. from kami nomi zo shiru sekai series.


HNTI said:
post #780624 - why ? I know it's pretty hardcore pic, but still it doesn't include gore and it's in fine resolution 1k+ * 1k+.

Sometimes I have a feeling that some series are undesired on danbooru e.g. from kami nomi zo shiru sekai series.

A) Not the deletion appeal thread

B) Its...ok? I doubt I'd approve it, but its not horrible or anything.

C) What in the world makes you think KamiNomi images aren't desired?

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