post #9000000 GET!

Plural to Singular alias request thread

Posted under General

I think for food products sold in sets we should stick with plural, mostly for chips, fries, and rings.

Thinking about the onion rings though, perhaps we might want to consider going with a more general tag like fried_rings, since onion rings can look identical to fried breaded squid rings.

Evangeline_A.K._McDowell said: onion_ring <-> onion_rings

Done to plural.

Coconut said: buckles -> buckle


NWF_Renim said: I think for food products sold in sets we should stick with plural, mostly for chips, fries, and rings.

Agreed, in principle at least (may come across an exception that feels right in the future).

Thinking about the onion rings though, perhaps we might want to consider going with a more general tag like fried_rings, since onion rings can look identical to fried breaded squid rings.

I think I'll stick with onion_rings for now but it's something to keep in mind. fried_rings just sounds a bit odd to me, is all.

Log said: Pretty sure we discussed this one and decided to keep them seperate for one/two arms up but I could be wrong.

Yeah, I think you're right. See also hands_on_hip vs hand_on_hip and arma_behind_back vs arm_behind_back. It's not often that we make this sort of distinction, because it's a bit ambiguous until you check both and see what we mean, but it's one I think we should maintain here.

fists <-> fist

This one makes sense though, done.

zatchii said:
throwing_knives -> throwing_knife


Some dictionary sources and other sites list it as two words, and personally I think I'd side with it being two instead of one. Don't think any other "bean" name has bean together with the descriptive word.

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