post #9000000 GET!

A tag for characters not usually dressed as maids

Posted under General

Bapabooiee said: Care to elaborate, Mr. Moose?

Maids, nurses, construction workers, miko, policewoman, soldier, astronaut, ... ∞ ...

That doesn't mean we can't do it, the massive prevalence of it is a mark in its favor. But I see there he's coming from.

Apart from the fact that I'm very biased towards maids, yes, the high maid tag-count -- compared to all of the other possible things a character could dress-up as -- is one of the reasons I think this would be a good tag.

Would you reckon that this tag should be given the green light?

We actually have a similar situation with Santa and santa_costume. Unlike this situation though we could potentially have Santa the character visually identifiable in a post without his suit. A maid without her outfit is not really a visually taggable concept.

EDIT: Actually I guess Santa Claus is the character tag, wheras Santa is aliased to his costume; to make things a bit more confusing.

-1 enmaided it sounds retarded.

Maid_mode is perfectly fine and actually fits in with nekomomimi/kemonomimi mode.

I would actually prefer maid_outfit and a dealias from maid but that's not going to happen.

Nobody aside from 葉月 and the viewers of this particular thread are going to know to search for enmaided. It's a made-up word. Maid outfit on the otherhand is a straightforward tag.

Log said:
I would actually prefer maid_outfit and a dealias from maid but that's not going to happen.

I second this proposal.

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