Alright, this topic is inspired by comment #2483401 and its corresponding edit under post #3189757, because there's a question that's been quasi-avoided for the past 11 years or so. For those unaware, Power Rangers as a series was traditionally made by using footage from a corresponding Super Sentai show, one or multiple even depending on the Rangers show, and as a result, while the suit-wearers and supporting cast between Rangers and Sentai will look different, the actual tokusatsu elements in each are almost 100% the same. The reason why I framed it as "past 11 years" is because, back in topic #10177, Rita Repulsa was aliased to Witch Bandora. This means that her default copytag is Kyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger, but most fanart we have of her is of her MMPR iteration as Rita, which means she gets Mighty Morphin Power Rangers too, meaning that Rita Repulsa fanart gets, at minimum, 4 copytags per post.
If this is the case for Rita Repulsa, what about the Rangers themselves? Historically, there's been very few original Ranger suits (the Dark Rangers and Ninja Rangers from Mighty Morphin', Titanium Ranger from Lightspeed Rescue, the Spirit Rangers in Jungle Fury, and the Cosmic Fury Rangers), which means that, for example, post #8283092 and post #8283122 are fundamentally depicting the same character fanart-wise even if one is canonically MagiRed and the other is canonically Red Mystic Ranger, because they used the same suit. But whether or not we actually tag the Sentai counterpart in a post featuring the Ranger seems currently hit or miss.
What should be done in this case?