power rangers s.p.d.
パワーレンジャー・S.P.D. パワーレンジャーS.P.D. パワーレンジャー・S.P.D パワーレンジャーS.P.D パワーレンジャー・SPD パワーレンジャーSPD PowerRangersSPD PRSPD
The 12th Power Rangers series, based on Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger.
Dekaranger's popularity in Japan was so immense that a Japanese dub of S.P.D. was made, featuring the original Dekaranger cast members dubbing over their American counterparts, earning it the rare privilege of a Ranger season being dubbed into Japanese.
The main team would be referred to as S.P.D. B-Squad, with A-Squad disappearing prior to the events of the story, only to eventually return as Evil Rangers whom the B-Squad has to defeat. They would be the first Evil Rangers since Mighty Morphin with unique suits, consisting of recycled Space Ranger helmets with Galactic Space Alliance armor from Lost Galaxy.
See also
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