Hi why wasn't this post approved. If I could get a reason I'll accept it.
Posted under General
Hi why wasn't this post approved. If I could get a reason I'll accept it.
post #8404618
post #8362525
post #8787491
post #8768954
post #8768892
post #8768871
Why weren't these approved? Requesting for a second look and/or feedback
I would like to ask why these posts were deleted. Everything seems fine.
post #8761644
post #8757955
post #8756756post #8715076
post #8702259
post #8792583 looks reasonable to me, considering similar approved posts by same artist
I'm also curios why these were never approved, despite their similarity to other approved posts and their otherwise decent score
post #7119667
post #7174955
post #7230566
Compared to e.g. post #8152983 and post #7579015
I get the style may not be for everyone, but the quality is consistent with other, approved, posts by the artist. Is there something wrong with them?
I've been waiting for an answer for three days.
What's wrong with this artwork? Give me an argument
post #8752376
Hello, why wasn't this post approved? I would really like to hear your feedback.
Hi, any feedback on why these posts weren't approved? Please give a second chance:
post #8797131
post #8797011
More failed appeals I'd like an explanation for, for the most part anyway
post #8705114
post #8703689
post #8703750
post #8703811
Thanks again!
4 approverspost #8804370
7 approverspost #8773106
post #8773176
post #8773180
post #8773188
post #8787641post #8798947
only 5 approvers
post #8804528
post #8742730
post #8742696
only 6 approvers
post #8742629
post #8733761
post #8792779
8 approvers
post #8792803
Thanks in advance, cheers.
The same illustration(post #8812199), but he approved it only after he had permission
post #8789605
lotus_flame said:
The same illustration(post #8812199), but he approved it only after he had permission
post #8789605
This is a censored revision, meaning it is objectively worse and effectively a duplicate.
Edit: it was posted first, so it isn't a duplicate. Still censored though.
post #8498091 what’s wrong with it?
iknowaddress said:
post #8498091 what’s wrong with it?
Wasn’t that already approved?
Any reasons why these were rejected? (too toon-porny?)