post #9000000 GET!

How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

one_piece_fan_letter introduced several new characters, most notably nami's_fangirl who doesn't have a proper name of her own, just like the rest of the special's characters. Judging from the tags elder_marine_brother and younger_marine_brother (post #8321482, post #8316638, post #8343418) and how they compare to the
cast listing on the one piece fandom wiki, would the tag for the girl in post #8350646 then be "bookstore_part-timer", or would a different name be more fitting? Perhaps the episode's credits sequence names them.

How do you tag this dress being mostly one color (purple), but appearing to suddenly transition to a very different color (green) around the collar area? Unfortunately, the way it's depicted makes it ambiguous whether the dress' main body actually connects to the green part.
post #8354982

MarqFJA87 said:

How do you tag this [dress?] post #8354982

Regarding color, I would add green_collar and gradient_dress to it. Sadly there are no depictions of that character with the same costume, so trying to find a reference point for tagging is of no use in this case.

c_spl said:

is there an umbrella tag of sorts for unconventionally coloured food such as this blue watermelon post #8355366

(pretty sure alternate color doesn't apply to objects)

bad_food is the only one that sticks out out of tag_group:food_tags, but that's "Food meant to be tasty, but capable of causing severe illness. [...] Usually hinted with the food having unnatural colors."

fake_food isn't mentioned on that page but doesn't apply, nor do tags like discoloration, miscoloration or anything regarding color and food exist as of yet, as far as I was able to tell.

fav-gotes said:

Regarding color, I would add green_collar and gradient_dress to it. Sadly there are no depictions of that character with the same costume, so trying to find a reference point for tagging is of no use in this case.

In addition to what AngryZapdos said about collars, there is no way to tell whether there is a gradient in the dress. In a gradient, the colors change gradually. If they change abruptly, then they would only be tagged with two-tone or multicolored tags as appropriate.

Tags that do apply include cleavage cutout and pelvic curtain, as well as string panties for the underwear.

Blank_User said:

In addition to what AngryZapdos said about collars, there is no way to tell whether there is a gradient in the dress. In a gradient, the colors change gradually. If they change abruptly, then they would only be tagged with two-tone or multicolored tags as appropriate.

Tags that do apply include cleavage cutout and pelvic curtain, as well as string panties for the underwear.

There is actually a minor gradient on the right side where the green becomes blue.