post #9000000 GET!

How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

argentb said:

From the looks of it it's still just a corded_phone that hasn't been plugged to the landline. I think it represents just how disheveled and disrupted the figure is? For the purposes of tagging, I think the tag still holds.

I see I see. I thought it was some sort of odd portable corded phone lol. Thanks again. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't any other phone tags besides corded phone that could describe it well.

Knowledge_Seeker said:

I see I see. I thought it was some sort of odd portable corded phone lol. Thanks again. Just wanted to make sure there wasn't any other phone tags besides corded phone that could describe it well.

I confess, I was a bit curious too and did a google search, but even the "portable" ones have a landline port. What I find amusing is she very clearly has a cell that she's charging.

argentb said:


Chest jewel seems a bit dubious when compared to existing posts tagged with that. Jewel seems to suggest a clearly defined jewel shape embedded in the chest area, while The Shorekeeper has more of a full line running down her upper torso. There are also other arts where there are crystal-like fragments embedded beyond just the blue line.

argentb said:

I confess, I was a bit curious too and did a google search, but even the "portable" ones have a landline port. What I find amusing is she very clearly has a cell that she's charging.

I know right? Whatever floats her boat, I suppose lol.

Need a bit of help with post #8299553. Eye focus is a bit hard to tag and it's unreal that there's almost as many metatags as gentags.

Not sure what copyright or character they are or if there are any more tags I can apply. There are some posts that you can't get over 20 gentags on, understandably, but I feel like there's tags that could be applied?