feline_lump said:
I can tell you had to post practically every example there is on Gelbooru and Pixiv because there's not that much of it
No, I obviously did not post all of them because I knew this was gonna be an argument. Here's more: post #8076999, post #8077030, post #6996757 (trap sandwich), this one, this, this... I still have plenty more in my backlog of unposted uploads too.
and what is there is slightly outnumbered by posts where Alluka is a cis female (or just plain gender-ambiguous).
Come on, this is straight-up dishonest phrasing. If we put it that way then the vast majority of otoko no ko pictures on this site have more posts where they're depicted as "cis female (or just plain gender-ambiguous)" too. The absolute majority of otoko no ko uploads fall under those parentheses, by design.
Blank_User said:
And for the ones that do, I don't think we should use the fact that otoko no ko characters (assuming this character actually is one) are sometimes drawn with puffy chests dissuade us from tagging the character as a girl in cases like post #6186697.
Well, the way we tag otoko no ko only applies to ambiguous posts. In cases where an androgynous character is explicitly drawn with sexual features then those typically trump canonical sex, so you could make an argument for that post to be tagged 1girl.
I say we just tag the SFW posts without primary/secondary sex characteristics as 1other and other_focus.
Feel free to submit a BUR to give people a chance to vote on the matter, then. I can live with this particular character being tagged 1other when there's no evidence of sexual features, if that's what the community wants.