BUR #30627 has been rejected.
mass update alluka_zoldyck solo 1boy rating:g -> 1other other_focus -male_focus
Based on evidence provided in the above topic, it seems unclear what this character's physical sex actually is. The Hunter's Guide states that this character is male, but the Guide's reliability has been thrown into question (forum #304147). Most other evidence seems to be based on dialogue from other characters, which varies between calling them a boy or a girl.
The purpose of this BUR is to reclassify Alluka Zoldyck from 1boy to 1other when no primary or secondary sex characteristics are visible. Obviously, this will not cover every case, so some tag gardening afterwards will be required. This BUR is mainly to allow users to vote on the matter and provide additional arguments/evidence for Alluka's physical sex. Please be sure to review the evidence already provided in the linked topic above.