
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

if tagging animal_ear_piercing, i should not be tagging piercing or ear_piercing at the same time correct?

topic #24631 leads me to believe that i shouldnt, but the wiki of animal_ear_piercing literally defines it as ear piercings that are on animal ears and i dont think that it is unreasonable to come to the conclusion that therefore means you would tag ear_piercing as well. (maybe wiki page on animal_ear_piercing should clarify this)

edit: doing searchs for animal_ear_piercing with piercing/-piercing or ear_piercing/-ear_piercing doesnt help to clarify either


Bit of a niche request but if anyone plays the game or otherwise has a solid answer on whether to tag Bakool Ja Ja from Final Fantasy 14 (as seen in post #8044711 for example) as 1boy or 2boy, it would be good to have a consensus. His wiki uses singular he/his pronouns but the two sides are clearly differentiated, so I don't know. Thank you!