upload rules said:
You may not upload any of the following to Danbooru:
Off-topic content (see below).
Poorly drawn content.
Paid rewards.
Commercially licensed anime or manga.
Real photos of any person under the age of 18.
Works containing third-party watermarks (unless the unwatermarked picture is not available anywhere).
Works upscaled or downscaled by third parties, including Waifu2x upscales (unless the original picture is not available anywhere).
Hard translations to non-English languages (hard-translated).
Third-party edits that substantially alter the content of the image, such as nude filters, headshops, fake translations, or meme or joke edits.
Low effort or unoriginal memes, such as motivators (if not done by the original artist).
Fully AI-generated art with no human input aside from prompting.The following things are considered off-topic:
Real life pornographic photos or videos, such as Western porn actresses or Japanese JAV idols.
Real life photos that have nothing to do with anime, manga, or videogames.
Low effort or unoriginal memes.Borderline Content
Extreme fetish content. This includes extreme guro, scat, bestiality, vore, "hyper" fetishism (monstrously large body parts), diaper fetishism, and other extreme or unusual fetishes.
AI-assisted content
Explicit furry content.
3D porn or SFM porn.
Cosplay photos.
Hard-translated comics.
Anime screenshots.
Third-party edits not in the "Prohibited Content" section above.
Bad anatomy.
the prohibition of fine art is not listed anywhere in the upload rules, check fine_art to see the approved posts of art similar to my post.
Danbooru is primarily for anime-related content but that doesn't mean that is absolutely the case, there are exceptions to the rule depending on the quality of the art.
post #7581535 was already justifiably approved before and has wrongfully been downvoted, so I'm asking for someone to approve this post again.