
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

Runty said:

post #7881427 - I'm guessing 3D animations are a no-no?

According to the Upload Rules, 3D porn or SFM porn is classified as Borderline Content, so I guess Approvers can give the luxury to be picky with 3D animations. Although it's worth to say: The animation you uploaded is not fluid, and it has a few errors despite its short duration.

SlaughteredMelon said:

According to the Upload Rules, 3D porn or SFM porn is classified as Borderline Content, so I guess Approvers can give the luxury to be picky with 3D animations. Although it's worth to say: The animation you uploaded is not fluid, and it has a few errors despite its short duration.

Dang. I guess the comedy doesn't make up for the janky animations.

MintyBea said:

Rude way of saying it. You could've at least elaborated on why.

The image you shared looks like something done by a little kid, or by a novice who never drawn something in their life. Uploading that would be breaking the Upload Rules about poorly drawn content, thus getting yourself into trouble for it.

HyphenSam said:

What's the point in asking for feedback if you're going to react like this? If you can't handle criticism then don't post in this thread.

What Melon said wasn't fair criticism, it was just being mean!

MintyBea said:

What Melon said wasn't fair criticism, it was just being mean!

Threatening me with sending explosives to my mailbox, insulting me and telling me to burn in hell isn't precisely kind either.

MintyBea said:

What Melon said wasn't fair criticism, it was just being mean!

Like you were with your own answer? If Melon's mean, you're a disgrace. Makes sense their answer bothered you so much, you must be an actual kid.