
Loli/shota check thread.

Posted under General

I went through the shota tag and removed a few posts from it. Noting them down here for posterity and ease of double checking.
post #7710537
post #7709845
post #7706655
post #7706647
post #7681692
post #7660209
post #7652852
post #7585064
post #7585552
post #7584328
post #7584314
post #7541148
post #7523821
post #7348062

There's also some others I didn't think fit in the tag but are more borderline. These still have the tag for now.
post #7721211
post #7705948
post #7672151
post #7567112 and children
post #7564645
post #7550085 and children
post #7456743

I haven't removed any shota-related tags like "onii-shota" or "shotadom" from the posts I removed shota from yet.

岩戸鈴芽 said:

All of them look petite rather than loli to me.


Blank_User said:

The person on top looks like a boy to me. Were you trying to say he doesn't look like a child?

Classic case of height difference being mistaken for shota.

There's a possibility I may have uploaded one (which I really wish I did not, fucking hell). post #7746483 Opinions?
I have seen the paid reward version and it looks like Caelus being turned into a pepeshi, which may qualify. Looks ambiguous as-is though?
For the paid reward version, at some angles it looks far from it, but the character portrait appears as a pepeshi. Hard to gauge size due to separated panels.