post #9000000 GET!

AI-generated art check thread

Posted under General

sabisabi said:

post #7672236 ai? look at the face. the bangs are clipping through the eyebrow among other things.

Bangs clipping through eyebrows is pretty normal in many anime styles I think, but this one sure looks ai-assisted considering the noise on the skirt and hair compared to the face that were actually hand-painted

Eurekaaaaaa said:

Not AI, Trust me there some artist out there who draw pussy or asshole in weirder positions than AI does

"trust me"

or maybe its terrible drawing because that so called "artist" dont know anatomy body

zwo said:

"trust me"

or maybe its terrible drawing because that so called "artist" dont know anatomy body

The point is, you are trying to use bad anatomy as a way to identify AI, but It's just a common thing for every artist.
Not only that, you also seem very confident about it — too confident when you have no idea how to actually look for AI signs.

In the image you referred to, I don't see any artifacts, weird noise or inconsistencies compared to their other works, and the image is like 4000px with no signs of upscaling or If there are any, please point them out instead of assuming 'bad anatomy -> AI.'

There's also this thing called 'stylistic choice'. have you heard of honjou_raita or Clamp They have some terrible anatomy but people still like it regardless, why? because it's 'appealing'

Eurekaaaaaa said:

It's just a common thing for every artist.

sorry for pointing out very obviously wrong pussy position and insulting bad drawing from so called "artist"

"bad anatomy is just common thing in every artist"

wow i just learned new knowledge

zwo said:

this person legit use ai in left pict, look at the weird pussy position.

artist name is "iku! iku!!"

This is not AI, this just looks like the artist's artstyle. Maybe instead of causing an argument over "bias" or something, maybe you could've used the time to study the artist more to determine if they use AI or not? It just looks like bad_anatomy to me, maybe for the sake of drawing a vagina higher than physically possible.

zwo said:
"bad anatomy is just common thing in every artist"

wow i just learned new knowledge

Yes, that the reason bad_anatomy exists. Every artist you know has drawn bad anatomy at some point until they got better. Even if they're pros, they still do sometimes. They just become better at hiding it, or it becomes less noticeable. Some even just ignore it because no one wants to spend three hours fixing something that the majority of viewers won't notice. Is that really so hard to comprehend?

Eurekaaaaaa said:

Even if they're pros, They just become better at hiding it, or it becomes less noticeable.

this gonna be my last comment to give a f✓ck about this d✓mb@$$,

you just
-accuse every artist with saying "bad anatomy is common in every artist"
-and now you accuse and make up stories of every pro artist still have bad anatomy body in all of their works.

did you ever atleast just once look how excelent the drawing in gacha rythm game?

Missingno2024 said:

post #7714824
not sure, the veil cuts of in an odd way to me so would like a second opinion
(E: after reding the start of the thread, probably should have asked before uploading but too late for that)

The veil looks a bit odd in some places, but I see nothing in this image that indicates actual AI involvement.

zwo said:

-accuse every artist with saying "bad anatomy is common in every artist"

You made it sound like saying "bad anatomy common among all artists" is a disrespectful
But it's still true though, or did you genuinely believe that if someone were to become a pro artist, they just need to magically have some godlike level skill and never draw even an single awful stick figure?

-and now you accuse and make up stories of every pro artist still have bad anatomy body in all of their works.

When did I even say that it's in every piece of their work? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

did you ever atleast just once look how excelent the drawing in gacha rythm game?

Yes? and those games have a higher budget and are made by a team of specifically trained artists who still need corrections and feedback from an lead artist/director before approval, making everything inline. Of course they have more quality control and looks better than most arts that was posted here


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