gfz said:
I noticed @Diet_Soda tagged a bunch of posts by wodeipoi as ai-assisted, but I don't see anything about it on the forums. I also don't see anything on social media about this artist using AI. Was there a forum post and I'm just not able to find it through search?
The artist seems to have undergone a style shift into generic AI lighting and rendering somewhere starting with this post. Not all of their recent works look AI but the ones that do are pretty bad, try zooming in on the face in post #7500766 (now deleted from their artstation) or kimono patterns in post #7500784, post #7500761.
Infantramen said:
I am not the one who flagged it or tagged it and there's no approver conspiracy or hidden agenda behind the timing. Blatantly poor quality and contentious stuff like this gets a lot more poor quality & disinterest checks than the average post because it's a no-brainer automatic decision for most approvers, meanwhile the rest of the queue will often take an extra click or zoom-in to judge only to leave them on the fence anyway. No one has to approve a post they don't like and approvers tend not to like mediocre porn, much less obviously AI-rendered mediocre porn, that's all there is to it.
Also, calling his art amateur? Im sure you have a good comparison for what you consider good then. I genuinely want to know.
Have you ever looked at any art at all outside bottom of the barrel hentai? shexyo has only ever produced the same 5 shitty copypasted poses with muddled shading, stiff linework, and faces that look like a headshopped afterthought to a horribly rendered ass. He's monkeying his references without a lick of understanding of what makes them look good because he is not looking to develop art skills, he's looking for easy clout and money and there's no better way to get it than posting boobs and asses on twitter. If being "biased" means simply finding subpar art subpar then I guess I am. An artwork can have plenty of merit beyond technical execution of course but this is just mass-produced slop targeted at the lowest common denominator with or without AI involvement. But this is a discussion for the upload feedback thread, not here.