
Nuke idol duo tags

Posted under Tags

BUR #24531 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

nuke miroir_(idolmaster)

forum #272720 followup. TL;DR: two random related characters is too small for a general tag.

These twins share the same last name. They may have a logo but it doesn't appear in their posts and the tag has minimal value. Most other duo units including more popular ones like Familia Twin have no tag

岩戸鈴芽 said:

If they're actual unit names used in the franchise (which they appear to be: 1 2 3) then I see no reason to nuke them outright, especially not because they only consist of 2 characters.

That's the literal exact reason we've nuked dozens of tags in the past. It's the reason every group pool/tag specifically requires at least three members of the group present in the image. If they at least required specifically depicting the duo as an idol group, that would be something, but then you could probably just add idol to the search. Without that condition, they're equivalent to a two tag search anyone can do. They basically just exist to exist, and that's the worst reason for a tag to exist.

blindVigil said:

If they at least required specifically depicting the duo as an idol group, that would be something, ...

That's precisely why I mentioned nuking outright, I'd prefer gardening in those cases, regardless of past decisions I had no part in.

I don't think there's any room for gardening if the consensus is basically to not do tags for groups of two people, whether together alone (2girls) or together with others. But sure you could spend a few minutes adding group name to certain posts like GreyOmega suggested.

lipxlip posts mostly aren't even about the idol unit, they're just of the idol unit.


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