lol I saw you removed it on post #6312570. only used zoom layer cause I took a look through stage screen gentags:>40 and couldn't find a better alternative (or any alternative), so maybe a tag should be created for this. screen zoom?
Is that golden thing attached to the belt a pendant watch?
the wiki leaves it intentionally vague, but after a quick google search they both look basically identical, so that would have to be a pocket watch imo. pendant watch should really only be for those worn around the neck like a pendant necklace; finding another meaningful and consistent distinction seems very difficult. unless of course we want to do something weird like make pocket watch "only without chain" and pendant watch "only with chain".
lol I saw you removed it on post #6312570. only used zoom layer cause I took a look through stage screen gentags:>40 and couldn't find a better alternative (or any alternative), so maybe a tag should be created for this. screen zoom?
Since no one responded I just went to remove them cause zoom layer in art and an actual screen zoom are different concepts. Screen zoom sounds good.
BobTheBuilder_v1 said:
the wiki leaves it intentionally vague, but after a quick google search they both look basically identical, so that would have to be a pocket watch imo. pendant watch should really only be for those worn around the neck like a pendant necklace; finding another meaningful and consistent distinction seems very difficult. unless of course we want to do something weird like make pocket watch "only without chain" and pendant watch "only with chain".
My unconscious self always mix pocket watch and pendant watch together (or just treat them like the same thing), so I was probably thinking about pocket watch. Thanks.
My unconscious self always mix pocket watch and pendant watch together (or just treat them like the same thing), so I was probably thinking about pocket watch. Thanks.
is there an actual distinction? I was unsure myself, tbh. I'll go ahead and update the pendant watch wiki to explicitly include pocket watches worn around the neck, then.
On some sites, like Pixiv and YouTube, you sometimes see a different commentary based on your region or language settings. In this example, you'll see an English commentary, which was uploaded by the author, when you use English Pixiv settings. You'll see a Japanese commentary with Japanese and Korean Pixiv language settings.
For now, I've put the author-uploaded English commentary into the 'Translated Title/Description' fields and added both the English commentary and commentary tag. Should I treat it as a second source, instead? (help:artist_commentary "Commentaries from multiple sources")
I remember beginning to see this automatic language selection around 2016/2017 on some Vocaloid covers on YouTube. As machine translators have seemed to improve, the English commentary is often okay, but IIRC I've seen some that either leave information out, have different links, or just are hard to understand Engrish commentaries.
Some other options I thought about were:
Ignore one of the languages and only put only one in the 'Original Title/Description' field.
In cases like this, make a decision: If the English is good, use that as the original. If the English is bad, use the original language instead.
Ignore one of the languages and only put only one in the 'Original Title/Description' field.
In cases like this, make a decision: If the English is good, use that as the original. If the English is bad, use the original language instead.
That doesn't look like MTL. I'd add all of them in the original field and tag mixed-language, Korean, English and after translating what was left out or not, commentary.
I've been using the between legs tag for pics where one person is positioned between another's thighs/legs. Is this correct use of the tag, or is there a better tag for it?
Are these two named fashions? They look fashionable but don't feel outstanding or common enough to be considered specific fashion trends. If not I'm just gonna remove harajuku fashion cause I need to deprecate it.
Are these two named fashions? They look fashionable but don't feel outstanding or common enough to be considered specific fashion trends. If not I'm just gonna remove harajuku fashion cause I need to deprecate it.
It's okay to remove so. Not going to tag it fashion too, which is requested to be deprecated soon. I think this site do not need such tags that describe amorphous concept without any definitive visual standard. Just tag what they are wearing.