BUR #16991 has been rejected.
mass update favgroup:404_group -> pool:20172 -404_(girls'_frontline)
nuke 404_(girls'_frontline)
deprecate 404_(girls'_frontline)
mass update favgroup:defy_group -> pool:20172 -defy_(girls'_frontline)
nuke defy_(girls'_frontline)
deprecate defy_(girls'_frontline)
mass update favgroup:anti-rain_group -> pool:20172 -anti-rain_(girls'_frontline)
nuke anti-rain_(girls'_frontline)
deprecate anti-rain_(girls'_frontline)
see forum #241814
proof of concept for my take on pooling this tag. it would also include DEFY and Anti-Rain (maybe Sangvis Ferri and the other general factions? for SF in particular, there are already individual tags for the bosses/mobs so a gentag seems like filler), I was just too tired at the moment and will do it later if reception is positive.
also if enough people are on board, this thread can be used to pool factions from ALL copyrights one step at a time, I noticed Project Sekai had faction tags too and that seriously made me roll my eyes.