The third antagonistic party to appear in the game Girls' Frontline, becoming its primary antagonists starting from Continuum Turbulence. A mysterious cult, whose most recognizable non-combatant members are cyborgs referred to as Nytos, led by the one they call Father. They return in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium, once more as the third antagonistic party to appear.
- Adeline
- Alina
- Mercurows
- Nimogen
- Narciss
- Morridow
- Lady Gray
- Bramedb
- RPK-16 (joined during Mirror Stage)
- Grig
- Nemhran
- Tareus
- Strelet
- Rodelero
- Doppelsoldner
- Uhlan
- Gladiator
- Patroller
- Gunner
- Isomer
- Pyxis
- Punisher (Defender)
- Warden
- Staff of Aesclepius
- Gebbennu
- Elusinian Mysteries
- Dish of Aceso