
Deletion appeal thread

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post #490119 I know the earlier version wasn't well received but it was still accepted so why can't I upload to higher res parent version?

not sure what's the problem with this one post #490115

post #332515 I know it's because of the TOS but the other pages in that comic were allowed and the character has relativity the same bust in each page (post #332512, post #242971.)

also on a side note. Would it be ok to upload higher res way less janky versions of post #455352, post #475466, and post #435416?

thanks for your time.

homeless_homo said:
Low res not to mention horrible gundam seed art. Those get a no from me. However I will admit that I am very biased against gundam seed art due to its mediocrity.

Ironically, I think they are all official art. Personally I think Destiny sucks, but I hold my ire towards the head writer and director for that one.

Two more up for bat with Onani Master Kurosawa
post #490304
post #490309

Odd seeing as three others from the same set were approved, and it's official art.

Black_Knight said:
Ironically, I think they are all official art. [...] Odd seeing as three others from the same set were approved, and it's official art.

Is it just me, or is the bar for official art on some shows a bit on the low side these days? Those Gundam pictures especially had really horrifying heads.

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