
Deletion appeal thread

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Fencedude said:
Please, keep giving us reasons to disregard your opinion out of hand!

What reason would you like? I'm simply stating that it is in fact, a motion blur, and nothing more. I'm suprised you would base a decision on a comment, and not the picture in question.

Ultima_Weapon said:
Ok. Engrish aside, I would like to know why is shit.

Oh sorry for my horrible english, but that's not my native language.
Maybe you'll understand what I'm saying this way:
Es una imagen horrenda. Lamentablemente para vos no es necesario que demos explicaciones de lo que aprovamos o no. Si no te gusta podes ir a gelbooru o similar. Saludos.


freefunctor said:
Sorry to bump my own post, but I was wondering: what was wrong with this image? It looks to be of exceptional quality to me.

6) Never expect or demand feedback or justification. You may get some, if anyone feels like providing it or has anything specific to say. However there are too many appeals and too many other things for us to do for us to have time to critique every appeal.

But if you want my opinion its because it was very ugly.

Granola said:
6) Never expect or demand feedback or justification. You may get some, if anyone feels like providing it or has anything specific to say. However there are too many appeals and too many other things for us to do for us to have time to critique every appeal.

But if you want my opinion its because it was very ugly.

I must disagree with you there, but thank you for replying.

freefunctor said: post #491156
Sorry to bump my own post, but I was wondering: what was wrong with this image? It looks to be of exceptional quality to me.

I almost approved it because it's part of that very artsy-like set of touhou images done in varying styles for each character, and it seems like almost all of them got approved, and rightly so. This one just didn't click with me though, and I didn't want to approve it just because it was part of the group.

Generally speaking: Uh, I know it's a lost cause at this point (this thread in general is a breeding ground for conflict, unavoidably so given the nature of what it's about) but if we could go a day or three without any drama that'd be nice. =P

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