
"Get Danbooru Gold" button doesn't work.

Posted under Bugs & Features

yall really be keeping this lock on the damn site when this shit has been going on this long? you're a fucking joke. and not a funny one either. you fucks clearly aren't even trying at this point, unlock it or take one of the MANY alternatives given in this thread so far.

Arieslia said:

yall really be keeping this lock on the damn site when this shit has been going on this long? you're a fucking joke. and not a funny one either. you fucks clearly aren't even trying at this point, unlock it or take one of the MANY alternatives given in this thread so far.

Chill man I took the advice of someone it's way easier to get builder status on sankaku, and gelbooru is free so if gold does come back am not buying.

Some of you really really need to relax.

giganova8 said:

I'm not up-to-date on all of the lore, but as I understand it, it comes down to the Danbooru owner not wanting to work with some of the less-reputable, "high-risk" payment processors. Sankaku, on the other hand, is more than happy to work with whoever will take them.

I see, interesting. Thanks


You know something that I never understood... If gold upgrade is removed for now and been like that for a year.. why not just make it gold tags to be available to be seen if the gold account is unable to be purchased?

JimTheMan said:

You know something that I never understood... If gold upgrade is removed for now and been like that for a year.. why not just make it gold tags to be available to be seen if the gold account is unable to be purchased?

exactly. it's fucking retarded and this content is visible on all other boorus that support it without a payment. do you think a one time $20 fee is actually going to stop someone who wants to report shit they think is illegal just because it's a legal gray area? they'd just report that the site hosts illegal content and then there would have to be a full search of all images on the site by the relevant authorities, during which they would just go in through the backend and completely bypass any shit like this. having tags locked behind gold membership was basically a scam in the first place, and now that the owner is VERY clearly not willing to put any fucking effort into actually finding a payment provider then it's just plain fucking stupidity to keep them locked. in addition, i remember getting a platinum membership and guess what? platinum is apparently now completely gone and there was zero migration whatsoever, meaning i WASTED my money and when the membership was removed i didn't even get transferred to the gold membership as compensation for the now-wasted money i spent on the old one. this is a problem.

You need to chill. Also, they removed buying Platinum, the level still exists, and you can see over 5000 platinum users here. No one had their Platinum taken away, least of all from your account with no evidence you ever bought Platinum. If you did, it was on a different account, and it definitely still has Platinum.

blindVigil said:

You need to chill. Also, they removed buying Platinum, the level still exists, and you can see over 5000 platinum users here. No one had their Platinum taken away, least of all from your account with no evidence you ever bought Platinum. If you did, it was on a different account, and it definitely still has Platinum.

alright, then. i'll try any other logins i was likely to have an account on. it's also possible i'm remembering a similar site that i don't remember the name of.

blindVigil said:

You need to chill. Also, they removed buying Platinum, the level still exists, and you can see over 5000 platinum users here. No one had their Platinum taken away, least of all from your account with no evidence you ever bought Platinum. If you did, it was on a different account, and it definitely still has Platinum.

Arieslia here, i had apparently forgotten this account existed xD

blindVigil said:

Because Platinum users are grey.

oh, that's actually kinda cool. anyway, thanks for reminding me i probably had a different account, because i was an idiot and forgot this account existed. idk why i even made the Arieslia account in the first place xD

Ketamine.05 said:

Well, it's been a bit since I dropped into this thread, any updates or interesting stuff? Still really wanna get that gold and kind of a pain I still cant after so long

Nope everything still the same.

Ketamine.05 said:

Well, it's been a bit since I dropped into this thread, any updates or interesting stuff? Still really wanna get that gold and kind of a pain I still cant after so long

I have made multiple (crypto free) suggestions for accepting payments in the official discord, one at the beginning of the month and another a few days ago. They seem to have gotten positive reception from other users, but there has been a conspicuous lack of feedback or input from anyone actually capable of acting on them. I'm hoping at some point they might gain traction with an admin.

I truly am sorry that this has been going on for so long, and wish there was more I could do. I know everyone says to "just get builder", but considering the monetary value of one's time, that's really quite an imposition. Hopefully a solution will be implemented, ideally sooner rather than later.

Cattywampus said:

I have made multiple (crypto free) suggestions for accepting payments in the official discord, one at the beginning of the month and another a few days ago. They seem to have gotten positive reception from other users, but there has been a conspicuous lack of feedback or input from anyone actually capable of acting on them. I'm hoping at some point they might gain traction with an admin.

I truly am sorry that this has been going on for so long, and wish there was more I could do. I know everyone says to "just get builder", but considering the monetary value of one's time, that's really quite an imposition. Hopefully a solution will be implemented, ideally sooner rather than later.

Honestly I don't think they care till they start running out of money to maintain the sites servers and by that time most people won't buy.

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